Saturday, August 31, 2019
Supersize me Essay
In the documentary Supervise Me, Morgan Spurious embarks on a Journey to eat McDonald's fast food for every meal for an entire month. One of the main reasons for choosing McDonald's Is that this company represents 43% of the entire fast food market. There are a few rules, including that he has to eat every Item on the menu at least once and If they ask to supervise the meal, he must say yes. The purpose for this experiment was to see if fast food companies are too blame for the obesity epidemic going on in America right now.Some don't agree that obesity is that big of a deal, but sixty percent of Americans are either overweight or obese. I would call that a major issue. The fast food industry is most definitely partially to blame for obesity in the United States. Some people believe that it is not the companies' faults that people are becoming obese because that person chose to eat fast food. In a way, I do agree. But it is the fast food companies' responsibilities to make It known h ow unhealthy the food they are serving Is. To burn off a superseded Coke, fry, and Big Mac, you would eve to walk for seven hours straight.In addition, Spurious found that most McDonald's around the country did not have nutrition facts available for reference In the restaurant. Morality plays a major part in this issue. The Catholic Social Teaching of life and dignity of the human person is what is at stake. For every child born in the year 2000, one third will develop diabetes. This will cut anywhere from seventeen to twenty- seven years off your life. During the documentary, Spurious loses muscle and replaces it with fat because of all of the Junk he is putting in his body.His blood pressure was raised, and he was at stake of getting seriously ill. If a person eats too much fast food, they will become sick. It is very possible for an obsession with fast food to lead to obesity, which is linked to many other fatal diseases. A person's life may be at stake, which Is not morally righ t. In 2010, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are viewed as Individuals. Therefore, they have the right to express their pollen, advertise to anyone they please, and have total control over their business. The average child sees 10,000 TV DSL per year.This means that companies are talking to children just as much, if not more than, their parents. If they were responsible with this power, then I would not have a problem with it. I think that there is a line between selling a product and doing whatever it takes to sell a product. If a company, like McDonald's, was appropriate in their advertising and kept the dignity of people in mind, then I don't think obesity would be a major issue anymore. This ties in with the Catholic Social Teaching of rights and responsibilities.In conclusion, I think that the fast food Industry Is partially to blame for obesity In the united States. Everyone does have a responsibility for their own health, but fast food companies have their own respon sibilities. They have the responsibility to make the Ingredients In their food known, and have healthy options. We as a country should hold them to this responsibility. With obesity rates rising, it could soon be the to our bodies and the fast food industry needs to realize that they need to do a better job of helping obesity rates decline.
Friday, August 30, 2019
German Automobile Industry Background
German Automobile Industry Industry Background The automobile industry in Germany was born on in the earlier 1886 when the first â€Å"vehicle powered by a gas engine†was assembled and registered. 125 years has passed, and with it the industry has acquired an incredible growth and global recognition. The industry now is one of the most powerful and reliable of the world that actually competes â€Å"vis a vis†with the one of the most dominant car industries of the world: Asian automobile industry.The German automobile industry is one of the stronger and successful industries in the world, it is the fourth global manufacturer in terms of volume (numbers of cars assembled) after China, United States and Japan. In fact, German automobile industry is responsible for of the manufacturing of 17% of the total global car production. Furthermore, it represents the main sector of Germany’s economy (main driver of growth) as well as the largest automotive market in the who le European continent.One of the key factors of success of this industry has been the large budgets invested in automotive development and research, which has allowed them to manufacture and offer vehicles with latest technology that in most of the cases fits better with consumer insights; in other words, an evolutionary process of application of innovation and cutting-edge technology has lead into one of the main industries in Germany. A good example of this fact is the development of environmental friendly vehicles, which makes â€Å"Germany the most innovative auto nation in the world†.German cars are known globally due to its attributes in terms of comfort, luxury, security, efficiency, reliability, design and image. In addition, the industry counts with one of the higher qualified labor forces, as well as modern infrastructures and research facilities. The industry actually employ 747,600 people just within Germany, and this rate is increasing sharply over the years. The result, Europe’s largest automobile market: about 5. 4 million passenger cars manufactured in 2012; 46 automobile assembly and engine production plants with a capacity over one third of the total automobile production in Europe.Giving the importance of German automobile industry is not a surprise to find some of the most influent companies of the world setting their headquarters and principal assembly plants in the country. The market is dominated by Audi, BMW, Ford Germany, Mercedes Benz, Opel, Porsche and Volkswagen. All these companies have a common characteristic: global demand. Therefore, even when domestic economy is huge –including Germany and the European Union- the industry growth is predominantly due to the exports of vehicles to other countries.Also, as well as the manufacturing of passenger cars, the industry in comprised in an important proportion by the manufacturing and trade of auto parts. The latest reports indicate that last January was a historic mo nth for German automotive industry in which they experienced a sharp increase in demand due to past few years’ trends that have been defining market behavior. Audi and Mercedes Benz sold more cars around the world in January than any corresponding month in the past. The Volkswagen subsidiary Audi sold 117,500 cars, the higher quantity of monthly sales in its history.Also, it increased the worldwide distribution by 16% the same month. The trend was indicating in the past years a significant growth in trade especially with the Asian market, last January the trend was confirmed. Even though the sales increase in all regions, in China the increase was of 38. 5%. Giving this, is possible to identify the markets that represent the clusters of largest demands of German cars as: Asia (mainly China), US and Europe. Bibliography Bibliography IANS. (2013, 02 13). German Cars in Global Demand. Retrieved from Zeebiz. com: http://zeenews. india. om/business/automobiles/auto-news/german-car s-audi-mercedes-benz-in-global-demand_69691. html Invest, G. T. (n. d. ). Automotive Industry. Retrieved from Germany Trade and Invest : http://www. gtai. de/GTAI/Navigation/EN/Invest/Industries/Logistics-mobility/automotive. html Invest, G. T. (n. d. ). The Automotive Industry in Germany. Retrieved from Ixpos. de: http://www. ixpos. de/IXPOS/Content/EN/Your-business-in-germany/_SharedDocs/Downloads/automotive-industry-in-germany. pdf â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Germany Invest and Trade: Automotive Industry.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Week 2 CYB632 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Week 2 CYB632 - Assignment Example In this case, the attacker sends a packet to a host with a forged IP address. The host then sends an acknowledgement waiting for the response. However, this response is never given and hence the unanswered queries accumulate in the buffer of the device being targeted. When many spoofed queries are sent, these results in the overflow of the buffer and the network device may crash (Liska, 2003). Secondly, IP spoofing can also be used in man in the middle attacks. In this case, the attacker is able to intercept the traffic that is heading between two given devices on a network. This helps the attacker monitor network traffic and may gain access to sensitive information such as passwords and usernames. Unfortunately, it is usually difficult for users to know the traffic is being intercepted by the attacker since each packet is eventually forwarded to the desired destination. The best countermeasure that can be used to address IP spoofing is ingress filtering performed by routers. In this case, the routers check that all the incoming packets are from legitimate sources or machines. If the router determines that the IP address on the packet is not in the address block the interface is connected to, then the packets are dropped. A penetration testing report gives the results of a vulnerability assessment and the penetration test of a given system in an organization (Lee, 2009). This report also offers recommendations on how the risks identified can be mitigated. A penetration test report is important to any organization or business. First, this report helps the organization enhance the security of its systems. In the modern world, the damage that can be caused by hackers can be extensive, and this may significantly affect the operations and survival of the organization (Lee, 2009). Therefore, the pentest report helps identify vulnerable areas within systems and provides guidelines for addressing them. This helps the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Is Employer Monitoring of Employee Social Media Justified Essay
Is Employer Monitoring of Employee Social Media Justified - Essay Example and Donna, managers have the liberty to use information from the social media to monitor employees’ social network sites to guard themselves for the possibility of being sued of negligent hiring, and the retention laws suit that may be filed against their companies. Never the less, such information must be weighed against the expectations of the privacy by the person posting the information. Of importance to note is that, social networking has become the dominant online behavior. Many users have developed their own web pages where most of the information that is not found on the resume can be found there. In return the companies go into the web pages to seek for more information. Managers have used these web pages to make decision on whether or not to hire job candidates (Elzweig, 2009). Never the less, the right to privacy is highly determined by the settings of the account and the information that is provided by the site regarding privacy conditions. Hence, there is need for reading and understanding the terms and conditions that are given by various web pages in regard to privacy for every individual (Elzweig, 2009). However, the use of social media has limits, which have been considered by most of the companies that have put in measures that safeguard the privacy of the employees in honor of sound practice and ongoing communication. In essence, Widger and other Human Resource managers at companies that entails mature privacy programs have continually put emphasis on the importance of privacy policy , a component that contribute to effective privacy management. This ensures that policy management that has broad level actions makes policies meaningful to employees through employee education. Hence, the importance of managing privacy policies and real world scenarios related to privacy during work force communication and orientation (Wigner, 2010). According to Widger, lack of private policy and its mismanagement can lead to severe consequences such
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Task 5 PROBABILITY, STATISTICS, & QUANTITATIVE PROBLEM - Essay Example Therefore cost subsequent to discount is x-0.1x=0.9x. Hence the cost before and after tax is X=0.9x. Company B; let the cost prior to discount be represented by y. Company B wont award discount if y≠¤20. Hence cost subsequent to discount is y. We end up with the equation y= given y≠¤20. Incase y exceeds 20, company B will award 20% discount for any amount more than 20 dollars. The amount more than 20 dollars is is 20/100 of (y-20) =0.2x-4. The cost y subsequent to discount is given by 0.8x+4. Hence the cost before and after tax is connected by y=x given x≠¤20, y=0.8x+4 given y>20 Company A: The cost prior to discount is not more than 20 dollars. Systems of equations to be solved are x=0.9x, y=x and y=y .it implies that x=y=y. therefore x=0.9x hence dividing both sides by x we get 0.hence solution to the systems is x=o, y=0 and z=0. It implies that incase purchases are more than 20dollars, the two companies’ offers are equal if they do not purchase at all. Incase x inclines from 0 to 20 company’s A offer is better as they give10% discount and no discount is given by company B. Company B: The cost prior to discount is more than 20 dollars. Systems of equations to be solved are y=0.9x, y=0.8x+4 and y=y meaning 0.9x=0.8x+4 which gives us 0.1x=4 hence x=40. Y=0.9Ãâ€"40=36 and y=y=36. The solutions to this system is therefore x=40, y=36 and y=36. It implies that incase purchases are more than 20dollars, the two companies’ offers are equal if the amount prior to discount is 40dollars.if 20
Monday, August 26, 2019
Mythology Essay No. 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Mythology No. 2 - Essay Example Based on his genealogy, Theseus may be classified as a demigod. Aegeus, the King of Athens, unable to bear any children was later secretly married to Aethra and of this marriage, Theseus was born. Theseus was however raised by her mother and would later claim his birthright after going through various challenges and battles. Based on his actions, he may however be considered an epic or a journeying hero (Myths Encyclopedia â€Å"Go-Hi†). Epic or journeying heroes are heroes who are on quests and who go through various heroic battles and journeys. In fact, Greek mythology is riddled with heroes of this type, and Theseus is certainly one of them. He was on his way to claim his birthright when along the way he fought many battles; many of those he battled were actually considered ‘bad’ guys in the contemporary sense. He killed Sinis, the Pine Bender who tore his victims apart by tying them between two pine trees; he killed Sciron who had a habit of kicking his guests to sea while they were washing his feet; he also killed Cercyon, who was known for wrestling with strangers; and he battled many other foes on his way to Athens and these enemies were often known for their foul deeds towards other people (Britannica Encyclopedia â€Å"History and Society†). Theseus possessed many good points in his favor. First and foremost, in order to be a worthy king, or at the very least, a worthy heir to a kingdom, he knew that he had to prove himself worthy. He could have taken a safer route to Athens as advised by his grandfather Pittheus, however, he chose to use the more dangerous road (Godwin, p. 255). In the process, he left his mother’s and grandfather’s kingdom a boy, and he arrived in Athens a man. He gave himself enough battle experience and enough physical and mental cunning in order to claim his rightful place amidst the various threats and claims to his father’s throne. Upon
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Employment and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Employment and Society - Essay Example d). Alienation, lack of job security and emotions are the major factors which increases stress at workplace. Competition is really tough currently in the business world and both the managers and the workers are under tremendous pressure to meet the targets and the deadlines. Thus managers are forced to adopt aggression at workplace in order to derive maximum out of the employees which will increase the stress levels of both the employees and the managers. It is difficult for a manager to adopt democratic style of functioning always and the instructions from the top forced them to share some of the stress they are getting from the top to the workers as well and this may often happen in the form of aggression. Lack of job security is another cause for the increased stress at workplace. The current global recession has broken the backbones of many organizations and the employers forced to cut down the employees and their salaries. Insecurity in employment is always a worrying factor for the employees which may increase their stress level. The living standards are changing rapidly and it is difficult for the people to find their livelihood even with the help of a good job. Under such circumstances, insecurity of jobs always creates panic among the employees. Emotions are the third factor which may increase the job stress. For example, most of the people are struggling to find enough time for fulfilling their family and social commitments because of the increased responsibilities at the workplace. Many working people are often complaining that they are not getting enough time to spend with their family. Moreover, leisure time for enjoyment and relaxation are also less because of the increased responsibilities at the workplace. Thus the employees forced to work like machines at the workplace hiding or suppressing all their emotions which increases their stress level immensely. â€Å"Flexibility is about an employee and an employer making changes to when,
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Project one Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Project one - Essay Example One of the books I liked reading was bed time stories. There is one story I read about a young boy who came from a poor, that most of the days instead of going to school like the other children of his age, he found himself going to the city to sell water. This is because, his mother, the only parent he had; was sick, but she could not raise enough money for the treatment. Despite all the challenges, the boy still managed to be at the top of his class, this impressed the king. The king therefore, decided not only to pay for all his school fees but also paid for his mother’s hospital bills. However, the manner in which the story ended was what captured my attention the most, it ended when the boy who was now around thirty five years old and he became the king of his country. From this story I learnt that we should not let the challenges we face in life bring us down. However, when I joined High school, some of the experiences I have had as a reader are many. For example, in most of the occasions I could not understand what the writer of the article is passing through the article. Most of the times I felt frustrated, therefore I either looked for another book or I could ask my friend to help me understand the information I was reading. As a reader, one of the things that I can ask authors to consider, when writing is the audience which the book or article is addressed to. If it is the teenagers then, it should be written in such a way that the interest of the teenagers is captured whenever they read. Recent surveys have shown that most teenagers do not like reading, this is because of the various games and electronics that are available in the market. As a result, the reading culture has gone down. Most of the researchers argue that if the trend continues then, in the long ran, the country will have a generation of people who cannot read and writ e (Slaouti
The impact of anti-abortion laws on women in North America Essay
The impact of anti-abortion laws on women in North America - Essay Example No society, religion, government or group has the right to push any woman into motherhood, unless one voluntarily and willingly intends to do so (Trib 14). Denying a woman the right to have an abortion is akin to pressurizing a woman into accepting a submissive and subservient role in the society. In such a scenario, the dominant ideologies and influences resort to exploiting pregnancy and motherhood as a tool to accord women a second class status (Trib 16). In case of the women, access to legal and safe abortion facilities is recognition of one’s fundamental right to have a control over one’s body. No individual or society has the right to control what happens to the body of an individual or what an individual chooses to do to one’s body to assure personal well being (Trib 17). In North American and especially in Canada and the US, the struggle against anti-abortion laws has been long and unrelenting, accompanied by both favorable and adverse impacts on the wome n in North America. Canada- Abortion Laws In the year 1869, the Canadian legislature passed strict anti-abortion laws (Tatalovich 23). ... The women who most suffered were the ones from small towns or rural areas (Tatalovich 29). In the year 1988, in a ruling famously known as the â€Å"Morgentaler decision†, the Supreme Court of Canada, repealed the harsh and draconian anti-abortion laws and declared them to be null and void (Tatalovich 53). The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that such anti-abortion laws amounted to an inequitable treatment towards women and interfered with the rights extended to them under Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Tatalovich 56). The Court observed that abortion constituted a Charter right of women, guaranteed under the right to life, right to liberty and the right to freedom of conscience (Tatalovich 56). The Canadian government tried to pass strict anti- abortion laws in 1990, but was forestalled by massive public protests and media outrage (Tatalovich 58). So, today Canada is the only country with no anti-abortion laws. The Canadian Experience In a post 1869 scenario, t he strict Canadian anti-abortion laws directly translated into untold and multifarious emotional and medical turmoil for women. Women having no access to safe and legal abortion resorted to unsafe and bothersome options. Not to say, a great proportion of the women having no option of a safe and legal abortion, willy-nilly reconciled with a forced and undesired motherhood (Faur 312). Things stood to be worse for those who owing to a lack of legal and safe abortion facilities, resorted to risky and unsafe abortion procedures, resulting in sever medical complications and many a times in death (Faur 314). Unsafe and botched abortions performed by quacks were the only option left to many, and this option was mostly loaded with severe
Friday, August 23, 2019
Coursework Questions Scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Coursework Questions - Scholarship Essay Example To rate the credibility of an opinion, it should be measured in terms of how it conform to its subject or object. Any opinion should be evaluated both objectively and subjectively so that we could identify if opinion is in coherence with reality. No, it is because truth does not easily change. But knowledge changes as a product of observations. The continuing evolution of knowledge itself leads to the discoveries of truth. Knowledge is what has been discovered, but the real truth is yet to be discovered. It does not mean that any opinion is right, but any opinion is to be accepted for the purpose of arriving to conclusion about any arguments. Everybody has the freedom to express their own opinion but should be corrected if their opinion does not conform to the reality. The right to express an opinion should not be abused by just letting anybody claim any faulty opinion as a right opinion. Philosophy is a branch of science itself. Philosophy deals with deeper understanding of any subject or object of its study by looking at it both subjectively and objectively. It is defined as a love of wisdom. It is not just observing the visible qualities of an object, but also looking at its inner nature, its relationship to the things around it, the reason of its existence. Philosophy is more deeper than other branches of science. During these levels of study, one has to de... It is not just observing the visible qualities of an object, but also looking at its inner nature, its relationship to the things around it, the reason of its existence. Philosophy is more deeper than other branches of science. What are the basic skills one is suppose to develop in school, that is, in kindergarten through the twelfth grade During these levels of study, one has to develop basic communication and analytical skills. Everyone should learn how to communicate effectively with the persons around them, learn the different forms of communication, and basic problem solving skills. What is the basic purpose of education The basic purpose of education is to educate everybody on how to deal properly with the different situations in life. Theories of different situations that commonly encountered by man are introduced for them to have a firm background or understanding of what, when, where, how these situation will likely occurs and the common ways of dealing with it properly. Giving sufficient education helps prevents problems from getting worst, or be prevented from happening itself. What is a right What are the two sources of all right Right is the legal or moral entitlement to do or refrain from doing something or to obtain or refrain from obtaining an action, thing or recognition in civil society1. Under what conditions would you be persuaded to change your mind about anything Explain your answer. Our decisions are greatly affected by things that we perceive on an actual experience. We deal with different decision making phase by making decision which we believe is right for us at the given situation. Sometimes decisions were made promptly as caused by panic, which comes out from our subjective evaluation of the situation. The impact of any
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Nutrition - Food Essay Example for Free
Nutrition Food Essay In our today’s society, especially western countries, the issue of fast food seems to be at the top of every health related debate. As these debates become more controversial, the question of who bears the responsibility remains unanswered. In his essay, Don’t Blame the Eater, David Zinczenko attempts to answer this key question by placing the greater responsibility of America’s obesity and other fast food related health issues on the fast food industries. Contrary to Zinczenko’s argument, Raldy Balko, in his essay, What You Eat Is Your Business, states that, people should take ownership of their health and well-being, and are therefore responsible for what and how they eat. Although both Zinczenko and Balko address the issue of responsibility, though with contrast, but valid arguments, Zinczenko seems to present a more convincing argument due to the way in which he explains the politics of food, the way in which our lifestyles are altered by what we eat, and things we can do to change the way we see food and its role in our lives. Although Zinczenko hold consumers responsible to an extent, he blames the fast food industries for the rising rate of obesity and other health issues related to fast food due to their failure to provide labels for their products. Zinczenko convincingly supports his claim by noting statistical data that shows the rise in money spent to treat diabetes. â€Å"Before 1994, diabetes in children was generally caused by a genetic disorder only 5 percent of childhood cases were obesity related, or Type 2 diabetes. Today, according to the National Institutes of Health, Type 2 diabetes accounts for at least 30 percent of all new childhood cases of diabetes in this country†(Zinczenko 392). He argues that, if the fast food companies are regulated so that they are responsible for their food contents, by providing proper labels, than consumers will make informed food choices. Contrary to Zinczenko, Balko argues that what one eats should be a matter of personal responsibility. To Balko’s credit, I believe that people should take personal responsibility for their health by adding a sensible diet and exercise to their routines. Where I differ from Balko is when he says that government restrictions on food are a result of people making poor food choices. According to Balko, â€Å"a society where everyone is responsible for everyone else’s well-being is a society more apt to accept government restrictions†(397). I think Balko’s argument in this regard, is a selfish one, and is an attempt to exempt the rich from paying their fair share of taxes that would otherwise benefit the poor or some middle families who cannot afford the high cost of health insurance. Both Zinczenko and Balko seem to agree on the rising health costs that are somehow a result of fast food, these two authors seem to differ on reasons. Zinczenko argues that health care cost is on the rise because of diseases caused by fast food due to the failure of fast food companies to provide labels and that consumers should not be blame for it. However, Balko argues that it is so that, we allow the â€Å"government to come between us and our waistline†(396). Balko states that, the more the government continues to fund health issues that are direct attribute of poor food/health choices, the more people will continue to dine on fast food and engage not in an effective diet and exercise regimen. (398) The growth of the fast food industry and the rate at which fast food is consumed is so fast, and its accompanying risks of obesity and related cardiovascular diseases have become a societal epidemic. Zinczenko blames the fast food industries for the spring in the rate to which obesity have grown in the United States. Even though Zinczenko is right about the rising rate of obesity, and that the consumption of fast food forms part of its etiology, the thesis of his argument cannot be proven and therefore cannot form the basis for his claims against the fast food companies since there are other contributing factors regarding the cause, onset, and progression of obesity. Obesity is also biologically linked. These biological attributors include: genetics, hormones, enzymes, and vitamins and minerals. Some people have fat in their genes that, no matter what they do, they are just fat. Others have issues with hormonal imbalances and or inadequate enzymatic actions that would aid in the adequate digestion and absorption of certain foods. Fast food is just one of the many environmental attributes associated with obesity. So Zinczenko can accurately make his case against the fast food industries for providing labels so as to enable consumers make informed food choices and not a case of obesity. Sometimes, people are too fast to pass judgment on others, especially people that are obese. I am equally guilty of the accusation myself. I work as a nurse at a nursing home facility and, in most cases, when staff member comes to me complaining of headache, first thing I say to them is; let’s check your blood pressure and, God forbid, the blood pressure is elevated, or if that person just look fat to me, my next comment is, it is because of all the junk you eat. My judgment, though may be incorrect, is based on the fact that most of these staff members are single parents, live in inner cities, and have a total commute time of two hours to and from work. Not to mention, some of them have more than one job. However, these people are being made to feel guilty about something that is totally out their control. In most instances, their wages aren’t even enough to meet up with their rents and utilities bills. Fast food comes handy in such instance where one can spend ten dollars and get ten cheeseburgers to feed a family of three to five versus going to the grocery store where each healthy ingredient is almost equivalent to the price of the entire dinner comprising of fast food. People fall back on fast food because it is cheap. Zinczenko explains that his parents were split up and that he had to live with his mother who worked long hours just to make the monthly bills. â€Å"Lunch and dinner, for me, was a daily choice between McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken or Pizza Hut. †(Zinczenko 391). In Zinczenko’s case, his lifestyle is altered because fast food is his only option since his family is dysfunctional. His single mother has to work very hard to pay bills and provide him a meal. It doesn’t matter the kind of meal. A meal is a meal, especially for someone who doesn’t have the time to prepare a home cooked meal. The people afflicted with fast food related obesity are not to blame for what they eat because they have very little or no options regarding what they eat due to all of the above reasons. However, to Balko’s point, while people may not have the option about what they eat, they have the option to control how they eat. Zinczenko states in his essay that fast food is â€Å"the only available options for an American kid to get an affordable meal†, and so, he urges his readers not to â€Å"blame the Eater†(392). But as with Zinczenko, we are well aware of the role fast food play in our lives. We understand that, though fast may be one, or the only available meal choice that we have, the way we eat can help us determine the role these foods play in our lives. Zinczenko supports his argument about the role food play in his life by giving information about his pre-college weight. â€Å"By age 15, I had packed 212 pounds of torpid tallow on my once lanky 5-foot-10 frame†(392). Even Zinczenko believes that, consumers are as equally responsible for the way they eat. However, he maintains his argument that the fast food companies bare the greater responsibility. In conclusion, both the eater and the producer are responsible for fast food related obesity, but I believe that the fast industries should bare the greater responsibility. Fast food companies must provide their consumers with proper food labels that enable them to make inform decision about what they eat. Label should not be falsified or misleading, like in the example giving by Zinczenko about the misleading label on the â€Å"chicken salad†(393). He refers to the salad as not healthy and that it is a caloric death- trap aimed at eaters who will not suspect it. Although Balko makes some really good points, his objectives seem to me as a means to an end. Zinczenko cautions that there are few or no alternatives to what we eat and that things have to change. Balko cautions that allowing food regulations for labels means letting the government between you and your waistline. In either case, we as a people have a responsibility to consider what and how we eat.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Negative Impact Of Playing Video Games Media Essay
Negative Impact Of Playing Video Games Media Essay Information Technology also known as I.T , refers to anything that related to computer technology , such as the internet , networking , hardware , software , or peoples that work with this technology . Research from UCLAs Higher Education Research Institute provide useful informations about the usage of video games on college campuses . These data shows that most of the college students play videos games regularly , and a small percentage use them as a primary means of entertainment and leisure . In the 2009 Freshman Survey, around 1% of respondents admitted to playing over 20 hours of videogames per week. Over 35% of the respondents stated that they play at least one hour per week. Computer games can have impact on teenagers , especially for those who spent hours after hours playing them. Games that played with a team can helps to reinforce concept of the effectiveness of teamwork . However , video games may have negative effects too . For my opinion , video games will definitely affect us as a college students . 3.1 Negative impact of playing video games Alertness Teenagers that do not have their video games playing time limit by their parents might find themselves playing until late at the night . This can result in a loss of sleep and a decrease in alertness in school. A decrease in alertness and focus at school can result in lower academic performance. HEALTH PROBLEMS If teenagers spent all of their free time playing video games, skipping meals or lose sleep because of their game play, it can negatively impact their health. The Mayo Clinic notes that teenagers who spent more than 2 hours a day in front of a television or computers might suffer from their childhood obesity. In addition, the University of Texas at Dallas also notes that the addiction can leads to medical issues , such as backaches, headaches, eyestrain and carpal tunnel syndrome pain and numbness that they might feel in their wrists, hands, shoulders and elbows. Death There are already few cases of death had been reported in the press . All linked to excessive play of video games. In the year of 2002 , a young man was found dead in the toilet of a cybercafe in Kwanju, South Korea . He was said to be previously glued to a computer, deprived of proper nutrition and sleep , also earlier in the same year, a mother in Louisiana sued Nintendo who caused her son suffered from seizures and consequently death. The report shows that he had play an average of 48 hours per week. POOR PERFORMANCE Long hours in playing video games can negatively affect teenagers performance in their school or at work if they are preoccupied with their video games or failing to work at their optimum level because they are exhausted from a late night of playing video games . The Mayo Clinic notes that teenagers who devotes more than two hours a day to television or video games might have the troubles of falling asleep, have problems paying attention than teenagers who dont spent as much time in front of the computer and video games . PREOCCUPATION Video games addiction can be harmful if teenagers are unable to participate in any outdoor activities rather than gaming . The On-Line Gamers Anonymous website notes that it may be a sign of an addiction if teenagers are constantly thinking about their next video game , devising ways just to get back to the game, abandoning former hobbies that dont related to the video games or declining social events with personal interaction because they are spending too much time on discussing the video games through the Internet. 3.2 Tips on managing teenagers media consumption Because of the popularity of video games, it can completely eliminating them from teenagers life might be difficult. But there are also few ways that can decrease the negative impact that they have on the teenagers . Know the rating of the video games that the teenagers are playing . Never install any video games equipment if necessary . Always set a limit on how often and how long teenagers is allowed to play video games. Take the time to discuss with the teenagers about the games they are playing or other media they are watching. Ask them how do they feel about and what they observe in these video games . This is an opportunity to share your feelings and grow closer with the teenagers . It is vital for teenagers to spend their time on both indoor and outdoor activities . Excessive time spent on video games may curb some outdoor activities among some of the teenagers. We might not want them to be game addicts at the cost of active outdoor pastimes. It is the responsibility of the elders to encourage teenagers to participate in outdoor activities as well, rather than sticking to the video games for all day long. Being able to monitor and control the amount of time that the teenagers spent on video games is the key to restrict the negative impacts of video games. Make sure to expose them to the right games with limited time log to benefit from this fun filled activity. 2.0 Define Peer Pressure In every day of a teenagers life , they get to experienced peer pressure in their school and the environment among them . Peer pressure means that friends trying to persuade you for doing something that you dont want to do . But maybe you want to do it and you dont have the courage and your friends talks you into it . Much research had shown that peer pressure had a much greater impact in adolescent behavior than any other factor . Try to think about it , teenagers nowadays spent most of their time with peers and family members , so the interaction is direct and much more powerful than the influences of the teachers and others authority figures . 2.1 Peer pressure risk factors : Teenagers with low self esteem Teenagers with low confidence Feeling isolate from friends or families Poor academic performance Without personal interest Peer pressure can be divided into 2 types :- Good Peer Pressure Good peer pressure can be a situation that your friends try to convince you not to do something that youre going to do because it maybe not your best interest . Good pressure is when you got pushed into something that you did not want to do but it turned out well . But for my opinion , the bad peer pressure is much more effectively towards the teenagers than the good peer pressure . Bad Peer Pressure Bad peer pressure is when you are being coerced into doing things that you did not want to do just because you friends said you should . It can be leads to experimentation with sex , alcoholic , skipping school , drugs and others high risk behavior . Your friends may had a tendency to think that they know what is the best for you . For example : if you friends offered you a stick of cigarette , you might say NO , but the real problem arises when you friends keep repeatedly asked you for doing something . Alcoholic One of the common peer pressures in school/college/university is alcoholic . I am sure that there are some of the people that sometimes dont feel like drinking , but they do because that is what everyone is doing , this is a negative form of peer pressure . Research shown that alcoholic abuse is one of the biggest problems among schools and colleges . The students usually end up with missing class , damaging property , getting injured and having unprotected sex as a result of abusing in alcohol . Nowadays , statistics shown that unsafe safe , drunk driving , and the sexually transmitted diseases are rising . All these problems are caused by the peer pressure of drinking . Drug addiction Drug addiction is another common peer pressure faced by teenagers . Initially, the teens are not aware about the adversed effect of drug addiction. When they become familiar with the adversed effect, it will be too late. This is a life threatening issues that is quite impossible to resolve. Drug addiction will ruined their futures completely.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨Ã‚ If teenagers are addicted to drugs , it can negatively impact upon the following: Marriage and relationships Home and family life Education Employment Health Personality Financial issues Unprotected Sex Sex is the common issues faced by the teenagers. Both of the boys and girls are equally affected by the sex problems. In this modern age, people love to have sex in their early age. For most of the boys , they thought that who dont like to make sex in the teenage are considered as weak and dumb, whereas Oral sex is more popular among teens. In oral sex, there is no chance of pregnancy , so that the teenagers dont considered oral sex is wrong.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨Ã‚ 2.2 How to handle the peer pressure ? Choose the good friends that who will share the value of yours . Good friends will use positive peer pressure to help you to be your best self. Avoid situation where your friends are doing things that you dont want to do. Think about the reasons for doing things: Is it a good reasons? Are you really being true to yourself ? Practice to say no -always come up with excuses if it is necessary. For example you dont want to get in any troubles, damage your body or mind, or risk blowing Always Talk to your parents or a any adults about the kinds of peer pressure that you are facing and listen to their advices . Nowadays , Peer pressure is a part of our daily life ,it can be a strong influences during the teenagerss years when peers are important to their identity.Teenagers must learn how to handle the peer pressure, and recognized when it is positive and negative . Lastly , do remember , if there are just one teenager stands up against the peer pressure, usually others will join him / her. Learning to handle peer pressure will gives teenagers more confidence and maturity.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Corsi Block-tapping Task (CBT) Performance Experiment
Corsi Block-tapping Task (CBT) Performance Experiment Abstract The Corsi block-tapping task (CBT) is a widely used experimental tool for assessing visuo-spatial memory in both clinical and research contexts. However, whether information other than those spatial and visual (i.e., motor information) play also a role in CBT performance is still a matter of debate. Here, we investigated such issue through a crossed double dissociation design by observing how motor, visual, and spatial secondary tasks affect the performance on three versions of the CBT (standard, automatic and two-dimension). Results showed a double dissociation pattern, wherein two motor secondary tasks had larger effects when the CBT was administered by the examiner tapping on the blocks (standard version). A spatial secondary task had larger effects when the CBT was administered by automatically illuminating the blocks (automatic version). Finally, a visual secondary task had larger effects on a two-dimension, computerized version of the CBT. These findings suggest that memory for movements plays a relevant role in the CBT, and are especially relevant due to their implications for assessment of brain-damaged patients, besides providing further evidence of a fractionation of visuo-spatial memory into multiple sub-components. Keywords: Corsi block-tapping task, visuo-spatial memory, memory for movements. Acknowledgements: The study was supported by a MIUR grant C26F014219 to F.F. Introduction The Corsi Block Tapping test (Milner, 1971; Corsi, 1972) has been widely used in cognitive psychology and in clinical neuropsychology to measure visuo-spatial memory (e.g., Kessels, de Haan, Kappelle, Postma, 2003; Vandierendonck, Kemps, Fastame, Szmalec, 2004) usually within the framework provided by the working memory model (Baddeley Hitch, 1974). The standard apparatus consists of identical blocks irregularly arranged on a board. According to the standard administration procedure, but procedures vary widely among authors, the examiner taps on the blocks in randomized sequences of increasing length. The subject has to immediately reproduce each sequence, continuing until no longer accurate. Performance is measured as the longest sequence of blocks that is correctly reproduced. Notwithstanding Baddeley (2001) reported the CBT as the task that is most closely related to the visuo-spatial short term memory, it is still not clear what of the two components, visual or spatial, it actually measures (Berch, Krikorian, Huha, 1998; Quinn, 2008). This issue is relevant, since studies of both healthy individuals and brain-damaged patients demonstrated dissociable visual and spatial memory systems in humans (Klauer Zhao, 2004; Carlesimo, Perri, Turriziani, Tomaiuolo, Caltagirone, 2001). Such a fractionation of the visuo-spatial working memory is in fair agreement with evidence in primates of separate processing streams for visual and spatial features of objects (e.g., Goodale Milner, 1992). Indeed, it has been proposed in both primates and humans that the dorsal visual system supports spatial working memory functions, and that the ventral visual system supports visual working memory for features of objects (e.g., Goldman-Rakic, 1987). Evidences for a further fractionation of the visuo-spatial working memory were also reported, suggesting specific components of working memory for motor and kinesthetic information (Smyth, 1990). A close link between motor systems and visuo-spatial working memory was actually proposed since the very first studies about working memory (Baddeley, Grant, Wight, Thomson, 1975). However, Smyth and her co-workers (Smyth Pendleton, 1989) firstly suggested that a specific kinesthetic component of working memory might be responsible for the encoding and maintenance of remembered patterned movements (those aimed to bring the body parts into a specific configuration), whereas positional movements (movements targeted towards specific external spatial stimuli) appear to be encoded and maintained within the visuo-spatial sketchpad. Notwithstanding the evidence favorable to a fractionation of the visuo-spatial working memory into multiple components, not necessarily independent one of each other, their relationship with the CBT has been actually scarcely investigated in literature. Though, the complex administration procedure of the CBT makes a more detailed analysis of the processes underlying the CBT strongly needed (Berch, Krikorian, Huha, 1998). More interestingly, and maybe less obviously, the CBT might involve a memory for positional movements, because the administration procedure focuses on the movements of the examiner. However, the contribution of a memory for positional movements in the CBT task has never been investigated so far. It is also worth noting that computerized, two-dimension CBT versions have been frequently used (e.g., Vandierendonck, Kemps, Fastame, Szmalec, 2004), albeit it is not known whether the standard and the computerized versions of the task are equivalent. The present study aims at investigating the architecture of the visuo-spatial working memory as measured by the CBT, through a crossed double dissociation design (Dunn Kirsner, 1988). We followed a standard dual-task procedure, using four secondary tasks aimed at interfering with the spatial, visual, and motor components of visuo-spatial working memory. They were crossed with three versions of the CBT: a) a standard version, wherein the sequences were given by the experimenter tapping on the blocks; in this version of the CBT the supposed motor/positional component was fully present; b) an â€Å"automatic†version, wherein the sequences were given by the blocks being illuminated; in this version the motor/positional component was removed from the task, while the spatial component was unaffected; c) a two-dimension version, presented on a computer monitor, wherein the sequences were given by the squares on the monitor changing their color; in this version, the spatial componen t of the task was reduced, albeit obviously not eliminated, by requiring the task to be performed on a 2D plane instead than in a 3D space. Method Participants. Forty-eight healthy, right handed individuals (mean age 22.4 years) participated in the experiment. All the participants reported normal or corrected-to-normal vision, and were naà ¯ve as to the purposes of the experiment. Stimuli and apparatus. The apparatus was composed of eight translucent white 3 x 3 x 3 cm blocks, each one containing a red light emitting diode (LED). The blocks were fixed at random positions on a 23 x 30 cm translucent white board. Procedure. Three administration procedures were used. In the standard procedure participants observed the experimenter tapping on the blocks, with his/her index finger, at a rate of one block per s, lifting the hand straight up before moving it to the next block (Standard). In the second procedure the to-be-remembered sequence was presented by the computer turning on and off the red LEDs inside the blocks, at a rate of one block per s (Automatic). A third, two-dimension version of the CBT was also used, as it is frequently used in literature as a substitute of the standard version. It was composed of eight blue squares appearing on the computer screen at the same relative positions as the 3D version described above. On each trial, the to-be-remembered sequence was indicated by the blocks changing color from blue to red and again to blue, at a rate of one block per s. The CBT was administered to all the participants according to the three procedures described above, in random order. P articipants had to reproduce the sequence immediately after its administration, by tapping on the blocks using their index finger. Sequences from 3 to 9 blocks in length were presented in ascending order, with two trials per length. All the fourteen sequences were administered to each participant. For each subject, different sequences, equated for paths’ length, were randomly assigned to the three versions of the test. Each participant performed each version of the task both alone (single task condition), and along with one of four interference conditions (dual task condition), in random order: patterned-motor interference, motor interference, spatial interference and visual interference. In the patterned-motor interference condition, participants had to tap with their right index finger on the four corners of a mouse-pad, while the to-be-remembered sequence of blocks was administered. The movement had to be performed clockwise and continuously, at a rate of about one tap per s. Whereas this task is known to interfere with the CBT (Smyth Pelky, 1992), it has both spatial and motor features that makes it difficult to disentangle their contribution. Thus, to remove the spatial component from this task we added a motor interference condition, wherein participants had to snap fingers with their right hand, while the to-be-remembered sequence of blocks was administered. The movement had to be performed continuously, in a regular manner (one snap per s, approximately). The experimenter controlled for the movement being correctly executed. In the spatial interference condition, participants were required to say aloud the side of each of a series of 1000 Hz tones randomly presented to their left or right ear through headphones, at 30 Db Spl with a constant inter-stimulus interval of 2 s. This listening task is supposed to interfere with the spatial component of the visuo-spatial sketchpad [18]. Finally, in the visual interference condition, one of three LEDs placed at the center of the board (one of three colored circles in the Two-Dimension Version) were turned on and off at a rate of one per s. On half the trials the regular sequence was violated, by turning on a differently colored led (on the 3D versions) or displaying a different colored circle (on the 2D version). At the end of each trial, participants were required to say whether a violation occurred on that trial. Twelve participants were randomly assigned to the Patterned-motor, Motor, Spatial, and Visual Interference conditions, respectively. The participants’ performance was measured as the longest sequence that was correctly reproduced at least once (memory span). Performance data were analyzed in a 3x2x4 ANOVA mixed design, with Version (standard, automatic, and two-dimension, within subjects), Condition (single task, dual task, within subjects), and Interference (patterned-motor, motor, spatial, and visual interference, between subjects) as factors. Results One participant in the Spatial Interference condition and two participants in the Visual Interference condition have been excluded from the following analyses because of the relatively large number of errors committed on the interference tasks. The remaining participants performed all the interference tasks at optimal levels, committing less than 3% of errors across visual and spatial interference tasks, and maintaining a regular mean rate of finger snapping and spatial tapping of about 1.2 per s. Figure 1 and Table 1 show the mean memory span length for each version of the CBT and for each interference condition. A preliminary sphericity test failed to show any significant violation of the assumptions underlying the Version and the Version by Condition interference effects (p>.05 in all cases). The analysis of performance data showed significant main effects of Condition (F1,41=139.93, MSE=.42, p2,82=4.24, MSE=.63, p6,82=3.61, MSE=.63, p6,82=4.33, MSE=.63, p.05 in all cases). This finding ensures that the administration procedure did not affect the difficulty of the task. However, the effects of the four kinds of interference upon the three versions of the CBT were very specific. Indeed, the patterned-motor and the motor interference tasks affected negatively the standard version of the test (p.5 in both cases). The spatial interference task affected negatively the participants’ performance at the automatic version of the test (p.05 in both cases). The visual interference task affected negatively the participant’s performance at the two-dimension version of the test (p.05 in both cases). Importantly, such finding cannot be ascribed to the three interfering tasks being not equivalent with respect to each other, because of the triple dissociation procedure we em ployed. Discussion Results of the present experiment suggest that a component of working memory that deals with motor information has the major role in the standard version of the CBT. Indeed, the effects of both the motor and patterned-motor interference tasks were notably larger than those of the spatial and visual interference tasks in the standard version of the CBT. The crossed double dissociation general pattern of results strongly supports this interpretation. Indeed, the spatial interference task was more effective than both the motor interference tasks in the â€Å"automatic†version of the CBT, whereas only the visual interference task was effective in the two-dimension version of the CBT. Such result does not depend on confounding due to the three versions of the CBT being not equated in terms of difficulty, because in the single task condition the performance of the participants was the same in the three versions of the test. Also, it does not depend on the spatial interference task involving a verbal coding of the spatial locations where the tones came from, as the phonological loop has been shown to be not involved in the CBT (e.g., Vandierendonck, Kemps, Fastame, Szmalec, 2004). The finding that the performance on the standard version of the CBT largely depends on individuals coding the movements of the examiner is in fair agreement with the hypothesis that a component of working memory that deals with motor information actually exists, and is independent of the component of working memory that deals with spatial information (e.g., Smyth Pendleton, 1990). It is also in fair agreement with the growing body of neurophysiological and psychological studies that suggest a close link between observing and performing an action (e.g., Rizzolatti, Fadiga, Gallese, Fogassi, 1996). Interestingly, van Asselen and coworkers (van Asselen, Kessels, Sebastiaan, Neggers, Kappelle, Frijns, et al. 2006) have recently interpreted results of a study on stroke patients as suggesting that the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the right posterior parietal cortex (PPC) are involved in keeping spatial information in memory over a short time period, as was assessed wi th the CBT. While the involvement of both the DLPFC and the PPC in spatial memory tasks is not new (e.g., Walter, Bretschneider, Groen, Zurowski, Wunderlich, Tomczak, et al. 2003), it is worth noting that this is not at variance with the hypothesis that a specific component of working memory for positional movements is involved in the CBT. For instance, lesion and physiological studies have shown that the DLPFC has a crucial role in visuospatial control of actions and visuomotor transformations (e.g., Curtis D’Esposito, 2004). Indeed, Hoshi (Hoshi, 2006) in a recent review suggested that the dorsal part of the DLPFC is involved in representing processed motor information, such as arm use or target location, and in integrating multiple classes of information for planning action. Similarly, the PPC is involved in visuomotor transformation, and is thought to serve as a sensorymotor interface for visually guided eye and limb movements (Buneo Andersen, 2006). Moreover, evidence has been recently provided that, within the fronto-parietal network of brain regions involved in learning spatial sequences, two partially segregated neural systems are involved in processing spatial sequences in reaching and navigational space (Nemmi, Boccia, Piccardi, Galati Guariglia, 2013), supporting the idea of a further fractionation of visuo-spatial memory into multiple sub-components. Though, more research is needed in order to specify the relationship between the complex functional architecture of the DLPFC – PPC system and the specific features of the working memory components, including those measured by the CBT. Finally, it is worth noting that the motor and spatial interference tasks affected only marginally the performance on the two-dimension version of the CBT. Such a result suggests that the two-dimension and the standard versions of the CBT cannot be considered as equivalent. This finding is especially relevant because recently two-dimensions, computerized versions of the CBT have been used rather frequently in clinical and experimental settings (Vandierendonck, Kemps, Fastame, Szmalec, 2004; Joyce, Robbins, 1991). In conclusion, the present study shows that the performance on the Corsi block-tapping task depends largely on a component of working memory specifically dealing with motor information and that this component is independent of that component of working memory that deals with spatial information. Beside providing further evidence of a fractionation of visuo-spatial memory into multiple sub-components, present findings have important implications for clinical assessment of brain-damaged patients and should be taken into account when interpreting the performance on the CBT for neuropsychological rehabilitation treatments in clinical settings.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Saint Bernadette Soubirous :: essays research papers
Saint Bernadette Soubirous The Soubirous family lived in the far north of the little town of Lourdes, in the Lapaca district. A large stream flowed there, and on this stream there were seven mills; one of them known as the Boly Mill, and this had been the residence of the Soubirous. Francois Soubirous leased the mill from relatives of his wife, Louise. In many ways, it was the trade of the miller that had brought the couple together. They had married on the parish church on 9th January 1843. By 1855, the family income had decreased drastically - trade was not good at the mill, and the Soubirous were not the best of business people; often filled with pity for the poor of the local people, they would tell their customers to pay when they were able to, and they never refused credit. And of course there was the family to raise, which further drained their resources. No longer being able to pay for the rent of the mill, the Soubirous were forced to quit their dwellings, give up the millers trade and take on whatever work they could find for themselves. Francois Soubirous recalled that another relative owned a building in the Rue des Petits Fossà ©s - this building was the former Lourdes jail. The old jail was locally known as "the Cachot". The Soubirous were allowed to remain there rent-free. Each evening, the family gathered around the old fireplace for family prayers. This concluded with the recitation of the Rosary - often led by one of the Soubirous girls, Bernadette. BERNADETTE The marriage of Francois Soubirous and Louise Casterot produced six children. The eldest of these was Bernadette. She was born on 7th January 1844, and was baptized the next day by Abbà © Forgues in the old parish church, being given the name of Marie Bernarde. Because of her small stature, she was always referred to by the diminutive form of the name, Bernadette. Six months later, Louise was expecting a child; because of this, Bernadette was entrusted to the care of a woman in near-by Bartres, Marie Aravant, who had just lost a baby boy. She stayed there for 15 months. From her birth, Bernadette was a weak child, suffering even then from the asthma which would cause her so much suffering that later, in the convent, she would beg the nurses to tear open her chest so that she might breathe. Because of her delicate constitution, her parents would attempt to give her little bits of food not available to the other children, such as white bread instead of black.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
THEME ON EMILY DICKINSON :: essays research papers
Poems of Emily Dickinson Thesis of my paper that I am trying to prove to the reader is that Emily Dickinson is a brilliant extraordinary writer. She talks about mortality and death within her life and on paper in her poem works. Although she lived a seemingly secluded life, Emily Dickinson's many encounters with death influenced many of her poems and letters. Perhaps one of the most ground breaking and inventive poets in American history, Dickinson has become as well known for her bizarre and eccentric life as for her incredible poems and letters. Numbering over 1,700, her poems highlight the many moments in a 19th century New England woman's life, including the deaths of some of her most beloved friends and family, most of which occurred in a short period of time (Introduction, Paragraph 2). In many short poems, several readers or critics of Dickinson point out her methods of exploring several topics in "circumference," as she says in her own words. Death is perhaps one of the best examples of this exploration and examination. Other than one trip to Washington and Philadelphia, several excursions to Boston to see a doctor and a few short years in school, Dickinson never left her hometown of Amherst, Massachusetts. In the latter part of her life she rarely left her large brick house, and communicated even to her beloved sister through a door often left "slightly ajar." This seclusion gave her a reputation for eccentricity to the local towns' people, and perhaps increased her interest in death (The Belle Of Amherst, Dickinson). Some knew Dickinson in Amherst as, "the New England mystic,". Her only contact to her few friends and correspondents was through a series of letters, seen as some authors and critics to be equal not only in number to her poetic works, but in literary genius as well (Introduction Dickinson). Explored thoroughly in her works, death seems to be a dominating theme through out Dickinson's life. Dickinson, although secluded and isolated, had a few encounters with love; two perhaps serious affairs were documented in her letters and poems. But, since Dickinson's life was so private the exact identity of these people remains unsure. What is known, is during the Civil War, worried for her friends and families' lives, death increased in frequency to be a dominant theme in her writings. After 1878, the year of her influential father's death, (a treasurer of Amherst College, and a member of the Congress), this theme increased with each passing of friend or family, peaking perhaps with the death of the two men she loved (The Belle of Amherst, Dickinson).
Wine Industry Financial Analysis Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Cour
Wine Industry Financial Analysis DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS Canandaigua Brands, Inc. (formerly Canandaigua Wine Company, Inc.) is a producer and supplier of wine and an importer and producer of beer and distilled spirits in the United States. It maintains a portfolio of over 130 national and regional brands of beverage alcohol which are distributed by over 850 wholesalers throughout the United States and selected international markets. Its beverage alcohol brands are marketed in three general categories: wine, beer and distilled spirits. Brands include: Paul Masson, Manischewitz, Monte Alban, Almaden, Barton’s Gin and Corona Beer. MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE Management performance is good. Canandaigua’s return on assets is better than the industry standard for 1998, and just under the industry standard in 1997. The company’s management has been able to improve the company’s ROA by almost doubling net income from the prior year. Management has in the past done a good job of utilizing its assets, and by the latest results is doing an even better job. Canandaigua’s gross margin(25.62) is less than the industry standard(43.80%). It appears that the company’s production costs are greater than others in the industry. Profit margin(6.78%) is greater than the industry standard(6.64%) in 1998. Canandaigua is very good at controlling selling & general administrative expenses. Higher sales in 1998 resulted primarily from additional beer sales, largely Corona Beer sales, additional table wine sales and additional spirits sales. The company has increased its return on common stockholder’s equity(12.84%), compared to the industry stan dard of 10.89%. Canandaigua does a fair job of controlling borrowing. Interest expense was reduced by ... ...ompany’s operating cycle is very lengthy. Although, assuming most payables are due net 30, Mondavi appears to pay their bills on an average of 3.8 days early. LONG-TERM LENDORS From a lendor’s perspective, Mondavi appears very strong in its ability to repay long-term debt and interest despite having a debt to asset ratio 35% below the industry average. Mondavi has a very low probability of bankruptcy with or without the market cap being considered. Accordingly, Mondavi would be a good candidate for a general line of credit from lendors. INVESTORS Mondavi’s stock appears to be over valued by approximately 100% compared to 1997 and 1998’s per share market value. According to the EPS ratio, such over valuation appears to be consistent from ’97 to ’98, according to the EPS ratio. Therefore, it seems that investors would be hesitant to purchase Mondavi’s stock.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Human senses Essay
Our human senses are the major and needed parts to help with Thinking or any bodily activity in general. No matter if we Disagree that our senses are accurate or weak we still use and need Them on a daily basis. Our sense of sight, hearing, touch, smell And Taste helps us guide ourselves to our thought destinations. If Human beings weren’t developed with any senses at all we would Not be able to experience a lot of many wonderful aspects through Our lives. The sense of taste makes sure we get the accurate and Adequate amount of nutrition needed to digest our daily meals or Anything that we consume. All of our senses provide accurate Information for the situations we are faced within our daily living. Some of our senses are very weak mainly when it pertains to the Thought process. We mainly forget to think before we speak on Certain occasions. In the heat of the moment we tend to react on Temporary with some permanent decisions. Some permanent Decision we conclude with are later on regretted later on in our Lives. If a study was performed on a number of correctional Facilities throughout the United States or any other country I guarantee many of the individuals that are a part of the Correctional system truly regret the choice’s they chose to Make during the height of the moment. At any given moment There are 1,000 thought, feelings and emotions that travel through Our brain when we are excited and anxious. When we as enter These type of situations it is best that we sit, pause and think about What we are being faced with. Going through every day in life Requires a lot of thought and reaction whether it’s a good or bad Reaction. We must realize that no matter what we go through, we Have to use one of our senses we are blessed with to maintain and Menevour our thoughts. Our minds are some truly unique vessels That are designed and separated to work uniquely with our entire Body to function as a whole. We must accurately rely on our Senses to successfully succeed in life.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Early Childhood Growth and Development Essay
This assignment we were asked to review chapter 2 of our text Developmental Profiles: Pre-Birth through Twelve. We were asked to write a three to four page paper which includes the following: * A description of how the concept of development differs from the concept of growth. * A summary of the domains of development identified in chapter 2 course text * An analysis of the developmental milestone examples in the text i. e. sitting, walking, talking and the purpose they serve. * Lastly, identify and explain three factors that may contribute to atypical development. Now that we have all of this discussed and what this paper entails let us get to it. Before we can even get into the meat of this paper we first must know and understand the definition and the difference between development and growth. Our text gives us a definition of both growth and development. Development according to our text refers to an increase in complexity, from simple to more complicated and detailed. Growth is defined in our text as physical changes leading to an increase in size. (Allen & Marotz, 2010) The terms growth and development refers to a dynamic process. Often used interchangeably, these terms have different meanings. Growth and development are interdependent, interrelated process. Growth generally takes place during the first 20 years of life; Development continues after that. (www. scribd. com). After reading the above lines and sitting and contemplating on them. The Human Growth and Development website stated that â€Å"Growth takes place during the first 20 years of life and development continues after that. †(www. scribd. com). I am not a board certified doctor but I do disagree with that statement because of that fact that yes growth and development are interdependent of one another but we all develop as we grow. Yes there is a difference in the concept of growth and development but one must look at the definition of each. Growth is the physical aspect of the two, example after a baby is born the birth weight, height, and head circumference is charted. The pediatrician then requests the parent(s) to bring the child back in two months. The two month check-up everything again is charted and this is done in intervals through out the life of the child. The chart shows the growth of the child from birth to present. As we grow we also develop. This means that we develop our senses, our thoughts, personality etc. According to the Human Growth and Development site development is the behavioral aspect of the two. (www. scribd. com). I tend to believe this because as we get older we tend to grow or develop into ourselves. We are not born with our personality, this has to develop. We were not born walking we had to develop the strength of our legs in order to walk. The next phase of our assignment is to summarize the developmental domains mentioned in our text. Before I do this summary I just want to point out that â€Å"the early childhood years are filled with staggering growth and development. There are four main areas of development that occur all at the same time. (www. teachpreschool. org). The domains listed in the text are as follows: * Physical Development – governs the major tasks of infancy; this domain also governs both gross motor skills (crawling, walking, running) and fine motor skills (hand-eye coordination, cutting, writing, weaving) (Allen & Marotz, 2010; www. teachpreschool. org). * Cognitive Development – addresses the expansion of a child’s intellect or mental abilities. (Allen & Marotz, 2010) * Perceptual Development – this domain addresses the complex way a child uses information received through the senses- sight, hearing, touch, smell taste and body position. This domain also enables the child to focus on what is relevant or irrelevant at any given moment. (Allen & Marotz, 2010) * Language Development – is the domain that enables the child to communicate with his/her peers. Most children tend to understand a variety of words, concepts, and relationships before they have words to describe or communicate. This ability is called receptive language. There is another term used called expressive language which is words used to verbalize thoughts and feelings. (Allen & Marotz, 2010) * Social Development- the understanding on how to communicate, share and make friends. This also covers how we feel about ourselves. (www. teachpreschool. org; Allen & Marotz, 2010) * Emotional Development- The building blocks for positive self esteem and self confidence. Most theorists place Social development and Emotional development in one because these two are interrelated as well. (www. teachpreschool. org). We are almost through walking through Early Childhood Growth and Development; now let us talk about developmental milestones. Developmental milestones are a set of functional skills or age specific tasks that most children can do at a certain age range. (www. med. umich. edu). In our text it talked about sitting, walking, and talking milestones, but before I get into the analysis of each one we must remember that â€Å"Babies develop at their own pace, so it is impossible to tell exactly when you child will learn a given skill. †(www. mychildwithoutlimits. org) The milestones that are talked about in our text can vary from child to child. Some babies may learn to sit up on their own as early as six months of age while others according to the Developmental Milestones Chart printed by My Child without Limits. org states that a child getting to a sitting position happens at 1 year. This is not uncommon some children develop faster than others. The purpose of the developmental milestones is to let the parents know that their child is growing up normally. As a parent you should not typically be alarmed if your child is a couple of months behind other children their age, but lets say your child is 24 months old and has not yet walked then yes there should be some concern there. Atypical growth and development is not an uncommon situation. This type of development stems from poor health and nutrition, injury, genetic errors, and many other factors. (Allen & Marotz, 2010). I have listed several factors that may contribute to atypical development and I will talk about each as follows: * Injury- A woman has to protect themselves at all costs when pregnant. If for whatever reason she falls and hurts herself it is a possibility that there can be damage to the child. A car accident can cause damage to the child * Genetic factors- these factors could come from either parent or both. Genes play a major part in development because we all get 26 chromosomes from each parent for a total of 52. If either parent’s chromosomes are genetically defective then the child could be affected. * Poor Health and Nutrition- the child feeds off of the mother in vitro and if the mother is using drugs and not eating right or taking her pre natal pills then the child could come out deformed, with some sort of brain deficiency or some sort of health problem. Now that this is all said and done. I do hope that this paper can help you as it did me in the growth and development of the early child. REFERENCES: Developmental Profiles: Pre-birth through Twelve Allen, Eileen K and Martoz, Lynn R. 2010 Wadsworth Publishing Developmental Milestones www. med. umich. edu Developmental Milestones Chart www. mychildwithoutlimits. org Brief Look at Developmental Domains in Early Childhood Education www. teachpreschool. org Human Growth and Development www. scribd. com.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Catcher in They Rey – Holdens Contradictory Views of the World
With close reference to pages 183-186 analyse Salinger’s use of language and structure, exploring Holden’s contradictory view of the world. On Page 183 Holden says ‘you could tell the two hot- shots I was with weren’t enjoying it too much. They stayed close as hell to me, and the one that didn’t talk at all practically was holding onto my sleeve’. Holden calls them ‘hot shots’ because they acted phony by bunking school and then lying about there being no school. (P182). Throughout the novel, Holden seems to have a problem with the whole idea of ‘phoniness’, yet at times, he himself acts phony.Holden considers movies to be extremely phony and criticises his brother because he moved to Hollywood. Holden emphasises his hatred for Hollywood and movies throughout the novel. Holden states his problem with phonies on page 184 when he says ‘I’d have this rule that nobody could do anything phony when they visited me. If anybody tried to do anything phony, they couldn’t stay’. He constantly demonstrates the idea that if people are ‘phony’ it’s a bad thing. We see this on pages 72/73 when he is talking about Ernie.He says that Ernie ‘is a terrific snob and he won’t hardly even talk to you unless you’re a big shot or a celebrity or something’. In this sentence, Holden implies that just because Ernie is good at playing the piano he thinks he can treat people badly, as if he is better than them. This seems to be Holden’s main dislike about ‘phoniness’, the fact that people act ‘phony’ because they think they are better than you. This is also shown on page 23 when Holden says that stradlater fixed himself up all the time because he was ‘madly in love with himself.He thought he was the handsomest guy in the whole of West Hemisphere’. He criticises Stradlater’s love for himself because h e sees this as an act of ‘phoniness’. While criticising people due to their ‘phoniness’ throughout the novel, Holden himself acts ‘phony’ on multiple occasions. On pages 48-52, when talking to Ernest Morrow’s mother, he pretends to be a completely different person to himself. He makes up a whole false persona in order to look better in front of Ernest’s mother. His false persona has a different name, and likes Ernest, even though Holden himself doesn’t have a high opinion of him.If somebody else were to do the same thing in front of Holden, he would undoubtedly call them ‘phony’. In chapter 17, when Holden goes on a date with Sally Hayes, he speaks just as posh as Sally does. This is shown when he says ‘swell to see you too’. Again, Holden is putting on a false persona in order for Sally to like him more. Throughout this whole chapter, Holden constantly criticises Sally on the way she speaks and ac ts, yet speaks and acts just like she does. By doing this, Holden is contradicting himself.He doesn’t seem to realise that he is acting just as ‘phony’ ads Sally is. Holden seems to act this way in front of most girls. I think he does this because he sees other guys acting the same way with girls and he naturally copies them because he doesn’t know how else to act. As a result, he contradicts himself often, but he just doesn’t realise this. On page 183, Holden states that the tomb was ‘so nice and peaceful’, yet he goes on to say that ‘you can’t find a place that’s nice and peaceful because there isn’t any’.Again, Holden is contradicting himself, but in a different way. He always seems to radically change his views based on little things. On page 184, he talks about his ideal future living in a cabin away from the world. When talking about how his family could visit him he says that he would let D. B. c ome and visit him for a while if he wanted ‘a nice, quiet place for his writing. ‘ Again he is contradicting himself because he is now saying that there is a place which is nice and peaceful, even though he previously stated that there isn't any.This is a clear example of Holden's unstable state of mind, because he doesn't remember what he previously says and he doesn't seem to have any set views as he is always contradicting himself. Loneliness is a key theme in the novel, and it is represented through Holden's contradictions. On page 184, when talking about his ideal future living alone in a cabin, he says, ‘I'd ask them all to visit me sometime if they wanted to, but I wouldn't insist or anything. ‘ This basically shows Holden's desperation for any type of relationship.Although he wants his family to visit him and keep him company, he doesn't want to admit it and therefore acts like he would invite them round as a favour to them, when really, it would make him feel better. On page 186, Phoebe is angry at Holden and Holden gets upset and feels guilty. this shows that he actually cares for Phoebe, even though he would never admit it. He shows this often throughout the novel when he talks highly about her. This idea is also shown on pages 122-123. Holden is so desperate for company that he just contacts anyone he could think of in order to have company.Even though he criticises these people based on their ‘phoniness', he still wants their company. This reoccurs on page 134. Holden spends all that time criticising Luce, yet ends up practically begging him to stay with him because he is lonely. He even admits his loneliness to Luce . ‘I'm lonesome as hell, no kidding'. This happens a lot during the novel. In chapter 10, Holden meets three girls, who he refers to as ‘pretty ugly' and ‘the three witches'. He spends the majority of the chapter pretending to like them in order to have company, even though he constantly criticises them to us.He constantly complains to us about things that they do, yet at the end of the chapter on page 67 when they say they had to leave, he says that he ‘tried to get them to stick around for a while'. This scene links together the last two points that I mentioned. Holden doesn't actually like the girls, yet he pretends he does so that he can have company. He also creates this false persona that is interested in the three girls. In order to do this, he had to use techniques that he has learnt from other people, even though he describes these other people as ‘phony'.Because he so socially unable, he takes techniques from others. What he doesn't realise is that by using these techniques, he himself is being a ‘phony'. You could say that deep down he knows that he does this a lot, yet he doesn't want to admit it to himself. In conclusion I think that Holden is highly contradictory about everything due to his troubled and confused state of mind. I thin k this is caused by the changes they are taking place in his life, such as getting kicked out of schools a lot and not understanding sexual relationships/feelings.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Mental Health Counseling
Professional competence among practicing mental health counselors has not been resolved yet whether it is attained through a licensure or higher educational training of this field. As per many researches that have been conducted, it takes a lot of training and experience before one could get competence. Besides, counseling a person with a mental health problem requires adequacy and expertise because irrelevant referral may result to a more aggravated condition on the part of the patient. Thus, the issue of competence among mental health counselor requires a more rigid consideration for comprehensive trainings designed to develop competency. Professional competency is not acquired easily after four years of education in college nor if someone practicing it finds counseling a less difficult one. Even highly experienced therapist may also seek professional help or doubt their abilities as counselors according to Gerald Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey and Patrick Callanan (p. 315). This is why; many experts recommend a kind of training for these counselors in order to meet criteria of a competent counselor especially in dealing with mental health problem. There are practical ways in approaching difficult cases that requires good judgment. In the first place, a counselor must identify whether he can do something about the problem, and refer that client to another therapist long before the allotted sessions end and not at the last day of therapy. This only annoys the client and causes him to be disappointed further because of irresponsible referral. Based on the common issues observed in counseling sessions, the therapist must understand two factors that may contribute to his effectiveness: his judgment of the case and adequate training. Personal judgment of the case involves how a counselor evaluates the case and his own capability to handle it. This also engages whether the case needs referral and when or how to communicate that to the client. Referral is the last option when all the possible resources have been used up or exhausted. Training on other hand, is one basic component of competence. Training must be comprehensive and organized in terms of selection of trainees, content, and best approaches to ensure desired results (Corey, Corey & Callanan, p. 319).  Meanwhile, the kind of training to obtain licensure is under the jurisdiction of the accreditation committee; however, in most cases, licensure is given to those who obtained degree of psychology in college. Here, the necessary trainings to develop a student are incorporated in the curriculum. Generally, hands-on training is the transition point of students to have him acquire knowledge and skills. The content of a training program should be structured around a specific theoretical orientation that revolves around challenges as seen by concerned groups such as schools and practicing practitioners. Corey, pointed out that content must be objective and practical enough to offer students a variety of therapeutic techniques and strategies that can be applied to variety of problems (p. 332). Training program then must provide theoretical explanation to given problems in order to help them formulate rationale for every situation. Professional licensing may indicate that a person is competent as long as a comprehensive program is offered to students by the school and licensing department of the government. – stated, â€Å"Licensing examination generally contains a written component which may be supplemented by oral examination or practicum exam (patient diagnosis or counseling). These examination are commonly written or administered by the state board which also provides for scoring them and determines what â€Å"passing†scores are (p. 132). Also, on the part of the school, â€Å"The supervision work experience or practicum is meant to ensure that during the initial years of practice, the professional has the guidance necessary to deal with the complexities of practice. It is a transition period between the intense supervision that is supposed to be part of academic training (p. 132). Work Cited Corey, G., Corey, M., & Callanan, P. Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions 7th Edition. Smith, S. & Meyer, R. 1987. Law, Behavior, and Mental Health: Policy and Practice. USA: NYU Press.  Â
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Magic Realism and how it differs from surrealism Essay
Magic Realism and how it differs from surrealism - Essay Example The paper "Magic Realism and how it differs from surrealism" focuses on the realism and surrealism. This final unification is the supreme aim of surrealism: interior reality and exterior reality being, in the present form of society, in contradiction (and in this contradiction is the very cause of man’s unhappiness)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ From this definition, it is clear that surrealism delves into the conscious and subconscious of the human mind. Thus the element of reality is the social reality in which the character in the film is immersed in. The fantastic element is depicted in the subconscious state or dreams. Los Olvidados presents the stark reality of living in the slums of Mexico City. The film opens the eyes of the viewer to the exterior reality by letting him experience the cruelty and bullying. The viewer is bullied with the presentation of a boy charging directly at the camera and the throwing of an egg with the splashing of the yolk against the lens of the camera. The us e of monochrome or â€Å"black and white†film contributes to the theme of showing reality as it is without the trifles of color. The music used also matches the mood being depicted. It helps delineate the reality from the dream. The interior reality is introduced by the alteration in sound coupled with the technique of â€Å"slow motion†and â€Å"dream sequences†particularly in the dream of Pedro, wherein he sees Julian’s bloody dead body under the bed. His mother tried to sooth him by saying, â€Å"Listen, you’re not that bad.†... His mother's words consoled him and justified his actions of keeping the same a secret out of fear of Jaibo. In the dream he offers to help support his mother but she refused and instead, walking in slow motion, offers him a rotting slab of diseased-looking meat in her hand. This was taken by a hand which emerged from under the bed to be later revealed as that of Jaibo. Even in his subconscious state his fear and impression of Jaibo persists- Jaibo who will take life and money without remorse as he did to Julian and which, he can also do to Pedro. The film was successful in depicting surrealisms end goal that the presentation of both forces leading to a level of understanding that would provide cause for the reasons for the individual character to move and make decisions as such. The film ends there. The viewer is left with nothing. There are no happy thoughts, no impressions of hope or sentimental feeling. There is just the note of understanding that "that is just the way it is." Ac cordingly to Surrealists, this is what liberates the mind.3 In contrast, a film using Magic Realism leaves the viewer feeling alive and appreciative of the world around him. Magic realism gives a "fresh presentation of the everyday world we live in. The artist may choose unusual points of view, mysterious juxtapositions or common objects presented in uncanny ways. However everything we see is within the realm of the possible, although sometimes unlikely."4 It is for this reason that there is an infusion of beliefs and superstitions of different cultural groups.5 "Magic Realism presupposes that the individual has a bond with traditions and the faith of the community, that s/he is historically constructed and connected."6 This is clearly seen in the film Like Water
Monday, August 12, 2019
Evaluate research methodologies used in VoIP research Essay
Evaluate research methodologies used in VoIP research - Essay Example A thorough security analysis is done at every stage of the protocol for understanding the risks and ways to combat it. The third stage is the key derivation process in protocols like Mickey which is thoroughly analyzed and done. The article â€Å"Quantifying Skype User Satisfaction†is based on the various peer-to-peer protocols and thoroughly analysis of the model which is developed to measure the user satisfaction index. A detailed analysis of the communication and the various VoIP sessions that are responsible for making it happen. The Cox model is developed and analyzed for making the User satisfaction index interpretation quite strong with detailed analysis. Most of the data is from journals and web related material which makes it quite usable to use the information for analysis and design. The variety of suggestions would make sure that all the analysis is well supported and framed for getting the right decision for the paper and its objectives. Pervez & Kjell (2005) defines as: â€Å"we must ourselves collect the data that are relevant to our particular study and research problem.†The large academic text and journals which are required for making the right judgment for illustrating the theory and explanation of the various protocols are of good. The renowned nature of books and journals make sure that all the information is taken to its full extent. The research method used is quite susceptible to various faults as security is not discussed in detail and more emphasis is given to VoIP protocols for their illustration. The in-depth discussion on the various VoIP protocols would make sure that all the various aspects are touched upon and illustrated in detail. The detailed discussion of the various VoIP protocols is an advantage of the paper and make sure that all the various scenarios are taken care to its maximum in deriving the gross attitude for fetching the objectives of the paper. The various
Project times ans costs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Project times ans costs - Assignment Example One would need to consider time and costs in project management since these are the major inputs that need accuracy. To control any project well, accuracy of estimates in mandatory since good project control entirely depends on the extent to which the estimates are accurate. There is no need for under/overruns in a project. In fact, poorly managed project shows such symptoms majorly because of inaccuracies that existed during estimation or estimations were totally absent Project managers usually need to make good and informed decisions concerning the amount of the estimates that they require for the specific projects. For instance, in a project to construct a building, the construction manager would need to make accurate estimates of all the materials required so that cost estimates can be made. This will enable the manager to make informed decision on how much the cost of completing the construction would be without making any losses. This show how important accurate estimates are i n decision making. Another important factor to know in a project is how long the project would take as well as the total cost that the project will need to completion (Michael, 2008). These are questions that can only be responded to well by carrying out accurate estimation of both costs and time. Resources are very scarce, therefore the available ones should be planned well with to meet the intended needs. This can only be achieved in project management by good management of time and financial resources through accurate estimates. To control and manage a project well, one needs to develop cash flow needs. This will enable the project manager to predict the payback period of the project and even make the breakeven analysis. From the payback period, is easy to know whether the project is viable or not. It also becomes easy to know how much funds are required for the project maintenance and to achieve all these correctly, accurate estimate is required. Any good managed project require s a time phased budget. To develop this and establish a baseline for the project, accurate estimates must be done. The time passed budgets include the prices of different materials and how they change with time. Time might cause changes in the prices of materials; therefore, proper estimates need to be done to give accurate allowance for such adjustments when they occur in the future. Errors normally occur to anyone doing anything. The only difference is to what significant is the error to the project. Normally errors occur when estimations are not done correctly or just not done at all. To avoid or reduce errors in a given project, there is need for an accurate estimation to be done. This also helps in reducing under/overruns. The differences between bottom-up and top-bottom estimation techniques One must first appreciate that both bottom-up and top-bottom are project estimation techniques. However, bottom-up technique proves more accurate as compared to the top-bottom technique an d this marks the major difference between the two (Mark, 1997). The bottom-up technique, however, takes much time to carry out in as much as it is accurate. The top-bottom technique on the other hand is very fast to execute but less accurate. Bottom up technique is carried out by thoroughly by estimating each and every package of work in a WBS. This technique is normally applied once the management and its client are already committed to the project and
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