Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Nazi Leadership Pictured in the Black Book Term Paper
Nazi Leadership Pictured in the Black Book - Term Paper Example In the time of its release, it indeed was the most expensive Dutch film that ever existed as well as the most commercially successful film in the Netherlands. The film stands out more realistic depiction of some history. It has been used to offer the conventional wisdom that the Dutch and the resistance were the heroes while the Germans with the Dutch sympathizers were eventually the villains. Additionally, the film acts as a magnificent cross in the business and art. It has been such an entertaining film that appeals the audience from the professors down to the shop assistants which remains worthwhile for many years. During the final years of the World War II, a beautiful woman singer Rachel Stein finds refuge with the Tsjempkema family in the rural part of the Holland. She waits out the war just like any other Jew in Europe as a popular and a wealthy singer. Separated from the family with some moment away from being captured by the Gestapo, her temporary house is destroyed by the Allied bomber in fire by a German fighter where she is left in the arms of Michel Huisman-Rob a very sympathetic boy who promises Rachel’s safety in the period. The following morning Rob helps Rachel to her contact in the town helping that she will be assisted in finding her family to escape across in the liberated territory (Harris 123). On arrival at home, Mr. Smaal with the wife Diana Dobbleman who is a compassionate lawyer having worked secretly in helping the Jews to escape from Holland, reluctantly arranges that Rachel joins the family and crosses the enemy lines in the allied territory, marking her name i n a little leather notebook. In the period of the dangerous crossing, the German troops ambushed the boat whereby the Nazi kills the boat passengers ruthlessly but Rachel narrowly escapes jumping overboard in a river.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Ideal Renaissance Man Essay Example for Free
Ideal Renaissance Man Essay An ideal renaissance man or woman in the fourteenth and fifteenth century, a time when people aspired to be skilled in numerous areas and humanistic education was customary, meant you would have to stand out from the rest. Pico della Mirandola theories in Oration on the Dignity of Man sum up the ideal Renaissance man. He proclaimed that individuals face no limits to their development except those that are self-imposed (Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia). In theory only one can hinder their own success. The ideal renaissance man had a broad base in knowledge or was highly skilled in the arts, music or literature. Some lived up to being ideal just because they were bold or unique. The ideal renaissance man was respected by his peers and his knowledge and abilities were often required by the patrons of this era. Ingeniously, some individuals happened to be masters of art, engineering, and even anatomy all at the same time. Mostly men, renaissance contributors did not normally encourage women to participate during this time. Women were encouraged to fit the profile of wives and mothers and their political rights at this point were still kind of limited. Nevertheless, there were many that fit the description of an ideal renaissance women. One unique women of this time was Laura Cereta. A writer who struggled with heavy criticism from her cohorts because of her scholarly pursuits. In response to both the men and women who were judgmental of her, Laura wrote two letters â€Å"that were penned to answer both critics: a defense of learning aimed at male humanists and a defense of her vocation directed toward her female critics†(Cunningham 289). Laura’s heated verbiage in these letters won her great recognition and respect. In describing an ideal renaissance man Leonardo Davinchi owned up to that title for his many achievements. He donated to us many chemical theories, the air balloon, the telescope, and trigonometry. He was a plethora of knowledge. He was also recognized for his many works of art known all around the world today, The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper for example. He was diverse in his thinking and saw many of his ideas through. He was a living example and true to Leon Alberti’s (1404–72) quote: that â€Å"men can do all things if they will. †The Renaissance is understood as a historical era of cultural movements. Its contributors are termed â€Å"Ideal Renaissance Men and Women†for making it possible. Even so, they continued to pursue more knowledge and abilities. For this, they were ideal renaissance people of their time.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Horror and Suspense in Bierces Work Essay -- Ambrose Bierce Short Sto
Horror and Suspense in Bierce's Work A novel is divided into different chapters and usually has different plots to focus on. In a novel there are lots of characters and the time scale is constantly changing throughout. Because there is more than one theme and there are different messages coming across of combined themes, makes the novel denser and more complicated to understand and to take in all the description. Ambrose Bierce wrote a lot of short stories and some we have studied and analysed. In a short story there is usually only one plot and the event usually carries on in the same setting. There are usually a couple of characters and one hidden message which makes the short stories more to the point and very direct. As I was analysing the short stories by Bierce, I realised that most of the characters in them were male and most of the stories contained physicians. Looking over Bierce’s background I was able to see that Bierce was brought up in a male dominated area where women were secondary characters. I assume this is why Bierce’s main characters are male and the female characters only play a secondary part in the setting. He had a son who committed suicide and a son who drank himself to death. I think this is why Bierce put physicians in most of his stories. The physicians don’t know when the victims of the stories are about to die, so maybe Bierce could relate to these because no physician could warn him about his sons dying. Throughout Bierce’s stories he has a good use of horror and suspense. He does this by being very concise and to the point. He also makes more impact on us as he uses pathetic thalacy. He does this by describing the weather in such a way that reflects on the mood o... ...he misery of others.’ This ties in with us laughing at the misery of Henry Armstrong. Others find it horrifying as they would be terrified of being buried alive and in those days it was quite common for medical students to dig up the corpses. This also ties in with Bierce’s definition of a grave, which I also found in ‘The Devil’s Dictionary.’ A grave is a place in which the dead are laid to await the coming of the medical student.’ Reading these stories of Bierce’s I found to be very interesting and thoroughly enjoyed. I think it is clear that Bierce was trying to scare a lot of people and effectively did as the description, the language used, the mixed feelings it sends out and the context of his writing creates a lot of horror and suspense. Some may say that Bierce is sick others say that he is very intelligent. Bierce- brilliant or disturbed?
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Political Correctness In The Classroom Essay -- essays research papers
Political Correctness In The Classroom Schools in Canada have recently become the battleground for the fight over how much political correctness should be allowed to infiltrate grade school classrooms. One can take two sides when dealing with such issues as violent toys, â€Å"good clean fun†, the benefits and disadvantages of political correctness. There is much controversy about violent toys which are far from being considered politically correct. The toys that enter many grade school classrooms throughout the country may also seem offensive to people who try to be as politically correct as possible. I can remember an incident involving myself, a water gun and a teacher back in grade four. What had happened was that I pondered onto school grounds with a tiny plastic watergun. As I proceeded down the hallway a teacher took notice of my â€Å"water-squirting†device. She approached me and ceased the toy from my hands . Many elementary school educators believe that violent toys can lead, and often do lead to violence if the children are allowed to play with the toys in an unsupervised environment.      Something that used to be considered good clean fun has become a constant frustration to teachers and parents everywhere. Many educators on recess duty who have observed children at play have come to believe that rough play which might look innocent can and often does lead to real violence. The goodness of teaching political correctness in the classroom is its ...
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Language of the Brochure Essay
Firstly, the brochure gives the impression that the resort is the best in Tenerife. The holiday resort is described as, ‘the largest, most vibrant, holiday centre in Tenerife†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢. This uses super latives to persuade the readers that the Sun Valley Beach Club is the best because if the Sun Valley are describing the resort the largest and most vibrant, they are saying that the resort has lots of availability in order to fulfil customers as the resort is so popular while also being full of life and energy which may also suggest that, again, the resort may be popular with tourists. The word, ‘most’ is a super lative because if you want to be the most at something nothing can be more or beat you at something. For example, if you are the most funniest person in school, no one else in the school can be funnier than you, they can only be less funnier than you. This will cause people to listen because the resort is the largest and most vibrant compared to all the other holiday resorts in Tenerife and you want the best value for money. Therefore, readers would want to book a bargain holiday at the Sun Valley Beach Club. Also, the brochure gives the impression that the resort is in a great location. The brochure tells us there is, ‘low rainfall and year round temperatures of 25-30 °C’. This uses facts to persuade the readers that the Sun Valley Beach Club is in a great location because when you go on holiday, if it is raining, you have to stay inside but everyone wants to make the most of your holiday but if you just stay inside, you can’t get out and go activates. In this case, Tenerife has great beaches so the tourists may want to go to the beach or go swimming. The phrase, ‘25-30 °C’ is factual because it is saying that the temperatures can only be 25-30 degrees in Tenerife. Also, people like hot places like Tenerife because it is easier to relax in a hot place and when you are on holiday, you want to relax and have a good time. This will also cause readers to listen to the Sun Valley Beach Club because facts are more believable because they are true so people will believe the information on the brochure. Therefore, readers would want to book a hot and rainless holiday at the Sun Valley Beach Club. Next, the brochure gives another impression that the resort has a lot of activates on offer for a great price. The brochure explains that the resort offers, ‘a full range of water-sports, tennis, mini golf and riding’. This uses lists to persuade the reader that the resort has a lot of activates because not everyone is the same and likes doing the same activates because different people have different likes and dislikes. If you have a resort with different activates, you would prefer to go to the Sun Valley then another resort that only has one activate on offer, especially if you were a family with children that are all different. The phrase, ‘full range’ is involved in a list because when something has a full range, it has everything to do with that thing. For example, when you have a full range of activates, you have loads of activates. This will cause readers to want to listen to the Sun Valley Beach Club holiday providers because tourists would want to keep active on holiday and the resort contains a lot of activates. Therefore, readers would want to book a fun and active holiday at the Sun Valley Beach Club. Lastly, the brochure gives the impression that the resort will be enjoyable for everyone. The brochure says to the parents, ‘why not relax in the poolside bar area keeping them in sight†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢. This uses conversational tone to persuade the reader that the resort is enjoyable because both parents and children has things that they can enjoy. In this case, the children can play in the swimming pool while the parents can drink and chat to other people whilst still being in reach of their children. The phrase, ‘why not’ is conversational because it sounds like advice and a friend give you advice. It also sounds like Sun Valley is letting them have their say whether or not they want to book the holiday. This will cause readers to want to listen to the Sun Valley Beach Club’s advice because they would want to listen to a friend more than a stranger. Therefore, readers would want to book a friendly holiday at the Sun Valley Beach Club.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Research Essay Example
Research Essay Example Research Essay Research Essay We want to thank Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies for giving us permission to commence this research in the first instance, to do the accessory research work and to use institute library. Furthermore, we thank our respondents who contributed their valuable information without which this research would never have been successful. We are deeply indebted to our teacher and mentor Proof. Ash Engender without whose help, stimulating suggestions and encouragement, we would never have been able to complete our research and the writing of this paper. Lastly, we would like to give our special thanks to our friends and supporters whose patient co-operation enabled us to complete this work. Sir. NO. Chapter Page no. Introduction 7 2. Review of literature 8 3. Methodology 9 4. Results and Analysis 10-18 5. Summary 19-20 6. Conclusions 21 7. Bibliography 8. Appendix 23-26 LIST OF TABLES Particular Page No. Table 1: Demographic profile of the respondents Table 2: Indicators for identification of a pirated product Table 3: Frequency of purchasing pirated products Table 4: Durability of pirated products Table 5: Criterion rating for purchasing pirated products Table 6: Mode of purchasing pirated products Tablet: Category of pirated products purchased Table 8: Comparison of pirated products with authentic products in terms of durability 9. Table 9: Impact of advancement of technology on the demand for pirated products 10. Table 10: Criterion ratings for not purchasing pirated products 11. Table 1 1: Impact of age on the buying behavior for pirated products 12. Table 12: Implications of using pirated products on the respective industry 13. Table 13: Identification of risks for unfair or deceptive acts in its product lines Table 14: Role of compliance function in identifying and mitigating overall compliance risks of the products in case of pirated products 15. Table 1 5: Need for a mechanism setup to help detect potentially unfair or deceptive raciest LIST OF FIGURES Sir . NO Figure Name Figure 1: Criterion for purchasing pirated products Figure 2: Category of pirated product purchased Figure 3: Criterion for not purchasing pirated products Figure 4: Impact of age on the buying behavior for pirated products ABSTRACT Non-deceptive pirated products have taken over a large share of the market and hence have become a major cause of concern in recent times. A study was conducted to find out the number of people who partake in non-deceptive piracy and the reasons behind their usage. The study was done based on data collected from 100 exponents from the city of Pun who were mostly students, working professionals and housewives aged 18 years to 50 years. The questionnaire sought their responses regarding the buying behavior of customers towards pirated products and the factors influencing buying decisions. It was found that 72 percent of the respondents and 65 percent agreed that after a certain age people prefer not to buy pirated products, specially clothes, shoes and accessories. This study benefits the manufacturers of authentic products to understand the mind-set of the consumers to decide their target market. Keywords: Non-Deceptive Pirated Products, Buying Behavior, Price Factor, Age Factor Chapter 1 Non-deceptive pirated products are reproductions of trademarked brands which are closely identical or similar to the genuine articles. This includes packaging, labeling and trademarks that facilitate the product to be passed off internationally as the original product. When customers are aware of the nature of the product and they still go and buy it, this is known as non-deceptive piracy. Non-deceptive piracy is used mainly to influence customers to buy the pirated products at a cheaper price and at a better rate than the market offers. Objectives . To find out the number of people who partake in non-deceptive piracy. 2. To find out the reasons behind the usage of non-deceptive pirated products. Limitations 1. Study limited to the city of Pun. 2. Non-disclosure of information which may mislead our statistics. Review of Literature In 2008, Seabird Raman, Seasonal Huge and Maybug Raman conducted a study on purchasing behaves of pirated products. The purpose of this study was to explore the factors influencing the Bangladesh consumers perception towards purchasing pirated products. To explore these factors, this study had conducted a survey among the Bangladesh consumers. The data analysis was conducted through exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling to test the hypotheses. Among the four variables, individual personalities and economic conditions are the most significant followed by social influences and pricing of pirated products. The outcome of this research showed a comprehensively integrated framework for policy maker and business enterprise to understand the dynamic relationships among dimensions of social influence, pricing, economy, and personality to understand the consumers perception toward purchasing pirated products. In 2010, Cook, Yum Fun conducted a study on the Buyers perceptions of pirated products in Malaysia. The purpose of this study was to investigate the buyers attitude and behavior with respect to pirated products in Malaysia, and to present findings potentially applicable for the purpose of planning and implementing effective marketing strategies to counteract the ever growing competitive threat facing multinational entrants to the Malaysia market. Respondents were classified as heavy and light buyers of pirated products based on the criteria derived from the focus group and survey findings. Buyers who were private sector employees were ore likely to be light buyers of other pirated products. The quota control was made on the ethnic groups percentages to represent the ethnic group perception on pirated products. However, convenience sampling limited the respondents locations, education level and occupation variety. The findings identified several crucial points as inputs to original brand marketers in planning and implementing marketing strategies. Research Methodology Selection of Topic The topic selected for this study is the Comparative study of the opinions or preferences of different age groups regarding non-deceptive pirated products. The primary source of information was from current and potential applicants obtained from a structured questionnaire. Sample technique and size The respondents in respect to current and potential applicants had been picked on the basis of random convenience sampling. The sample size of this study was 100 for current and potential applicants combined. These samples were selected from the city of Pun. Pilot study To test the feasibility of the data tool collection, a pilot study was conducted on 10 respondents. A questionnaire of 10 questions was made and filled by the respondents. The response received was collected and study was done to find out the initial findings. Hypothesis Based on the result of the pilot study, the following hypothesis was formulated:- 1 . Price is the key factor which influences people to buy pirated products. 2. Age has an impact on consumers preference to buy pirated products especially clothes, shoes and accessories. Data collection Primary data Actual collection of data from applicants was done by way of a Google doc in the form of an online questionnaire that was sent to the respondents which they then filled and their responses were recorded and the data was compiled. Secondary data Secondary data was not used for interpretation of data. Analysis of Data The data collected has been presented in the form of tables and figures in Chapter 4- Results.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Tragic Heros
A hero today is seen as a person who is idolized. Nowadays, a hero does not have to have wealth or certain political beliefs, but instead can be regarded as a hero for his/her actions and inner strength. However, in the plays of Shakespeare, the tragic hero is always a noble man who enjoys some status and prosperity in society but possesses some moral weakness or flaw, which leads to his downfall (Fyre). External circumstances such as fate also play a part in the hero's fall (Bradley). Evil agents often act upon the hero and the forces of good, causing the hero to make wrong decisions. Readers may see this proven in Shakespeare ¡Ã‚ ¦s most famous tragedies: King Lear, Hamlet, Othello, and Macbeth. William Shakespeare started writing tragedies because he thought the tragic plots used by other English writers were lacking artistic purpose and form (Bradley). He used the fall of a notable person as the main focus in his tragedies. Suspense and climax were an added attraction for the audience. His work was extraordinary in that it was not of the norm for the time (Rurr). A reader with even little knowledge of his work would recognize one of the tragedies as a work of Shakespeare (Bradley). Shakespeare was born at Stratford-upon-Avon, the son of a tradesman and Alderman of Stratford, John Shakespeare in 1564. William, the eldest son, and third child (of eight) was baptised on 26th April 1564, and probably educated at Stratford Grammar School, but little is known of his life up to his eighteenth year (Hamlyn). He did not go to university and his younger contemporary and fellow-dramatist, Ben Johnson, would later speak disparagingly of his "small Latin, and less Greek" in the eulogy prefaced to the Firs Folio (Hill). However the Grammar School curriculum would have provided a formidable linguistic, and to some extent literary, education (Rurr). In 1575 when he was eleven, there was a great plague in the country and Queen Elizabeth journeye... Free Essays on Tragic Heros Free Essays on Tragic Heros A hero today is seen as a person who is idolized. Nowadays, a hero does not have to have wealth or certain political beliefs, but instead can be regarded as a hero for his/her actions and inner strength. However, in the plays of Shakespeare, the tragic hero is always a noble man who enjoys some status and prosperity in society but possesses some moral weakness or flaw, which leads to his downfall (Fyre). External circumstances such as fate also play a part in the hero's fall (Bradley). Evil agents often act upon the hero and the forces of good, causing the hero to make wrong decisions. Readers may see this proven in Shakespeare ¡Ã‚ ¦s most famous tragedies: King Lear, Hamlet, Othello, and Macbeth. William Shakespeare started writing tragedies because he thought the tragic plots used by other English writers were lacking artistic purpose and form (Bradley). He used the fall of a notable person as the main focus in his tragedies. Suspense and climax were an added attraction for the audience. His work was extraordinary in that it was not of the norm for the time (Rurr). A reader with even little knowledge of his work would recognize one of the tragedies as a work of Shakespeare (Bradley). Shakespeare was born at Stratford-upon-Avon, the son of a tradesman and Alderman of Stratford, John Shakespeare in 1564. William, the eldest son, and third child (of eight) was baptised on 26th April 1564, and probably educated at Stratford Grammar School, but little is known of his life up to his eighteenth year (Hamlyn). He did not go to university and his younger contemporary and fellow-dramatist, Ben Johnson, would later speak disparagingly of his "small Latin, and less Greek" in the eulogy prefaced to the Firs Folio (Hill). However the Grammar School curriculum would have provided a formidable linguistic, and to some extent literary, education (Rurr). In 1575 when he was eleven, there was a great plague in the country and Queen Elizabeth journeye...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How To Revise A Novel A Step-by-Step Guide
How To Revise A Novel A Step-by-Step Guide How To Revise A Novel: Taking Your Manuscript From Scruffy To Spliffy Last updated: 2017/07/11A week after NaNoWriMo, it is time for you to go back to your novel and ruthlessly revise it. To help you with that, we asked our specialist developmental editor Maria D’Marco to share her top tips on how to revise a novel. Follow them and you might be able to turn your first draft into material worthy of submission.The first thing to keep in mind once you have finished your first draft is that the writing process is not over. You have to accept that creating ever-improving iterations of your manuscript takes time. Your goal here is not perfection (you’ll have to work with a pro editor to get there), it is balance; so do not get hung up on minutiae and work quickly through your drafts.How to revise a novel in 9 key stagesThere is one underlying concept that should drive your revision process: the foundation of Continuity and Relationships, or how everything relates to every other thing in the story.Of course, you shouldn’t try to tackle ev erything at once; instead you should avoid mind-boggle by approaching your re-writes progressively, stage-by-stage.Share this infographic! Click below to tweet about it or Pin it on your board 🙂 The first 4 stages of the revision process are primarily developmental and should be tackled as individual reviews and re-writes. Each stage will potentially represent a new iteration of the draft. A novice author should expect to perform at least 3 total revisions of their manuscript, before moving into the writing reviews (the last 2 stages). Character reviews are the most time-intensive, deservedly so.Time LineAs the author, you have a running timeline or chronology for your story. It is vital to remember that the reader is not privy to this timeline until you share it with them. Do not leave them to their own devices! This is your story- lead the way!Again, consistency is your gate-keeper, so your revision must ensure that your time line makes sense, supports the story, and has no "whaaa?" factors. You can also check for innovative ways to introduce your time line, which may enlighten as to the time of day, day of the week, month, year, season, etc. Using well-known events can es tablish multiple time points, as well as having a character who is a bit (or very) obsessed with time and checks watches and clocks regularly.CharactersYou have an intimate knowledge of all your characters- well, most likely anyway. To capture their essence on the page and ensure continuity, follow each character through the entire manuscript. Do their actions make sense? Do they contribute to every scene they occupy? Do they elicit emotion? Do they create a turn in the plot (however small)? Are they clichà ©? Does their dialogue add to the scene or the progression of the story?Each character must have a purpose to the story, so perform your revision by 'seeing' the story through their eyes and enriching their interactions, actions, and dialogue as you go.Environments ScenesYou 'see' the environment of every scene vividly, but have you created that vivid environment for the reader? You know the season, the time of day, the placement of each character (plus their mindset importanc e to the scene) within the scene, what the character is wearing, how the action will progress within the scene, etc.As you revise, is every environment and scene written to engage the reader's imagination? And are they imagining what you want and need them to imagine?From worldbuilding to a space the character only occupies for a moment, you must scrutinize each environmental element for opportunities to enrich your story and build a stronger draft.Transitions PacingThese are related elements that can be sticky to refine. The need to identify any lack of consistency in the movement of the story is the goal.Transitions, whether paragraph breaks, chapter breaks, or scene changes are finessed partitions that conclude or leave things hanging and set up or anticipate moves within the story. Transitions can come at the end of a paragraph, chapter, or scene, but can also occur at other times, particularly as set up or anticipatory dialogue or 'hint dropping'.Pacing ties to transitions, as well as to types of scenes, and can keep readers breathless and excited, bored to tears, or precariously tormented between the two. It is the engagement factor that determines the rate at which your story is absorbed. Some refer to pacing as 'flow', not to be confused with 'readability', which refers to comprehension.Revise your story transitions, re-writing to improve focus and positioning, while cementing pivotal transitions that function as story turning points. A 'log' of transitions can help track the movement of the story. This same log can be a complementary tool in your pacing review, allowing you to further indentify and re-write material to support story continuity.Assumed KnowledgeThis is, to me, the greatest pitfall in authoring any novel- or any other type of writing. We have a wealth of knowledge about our book, from personal experience and observations to careful research. We have saturated our minds with endless details, as well as visions of our story, characters, and environments. We then write from that empowered position; and often, assumption of knowledge skewers our story.In every revision, along with the foundation of continuity and relationships, be mindful of assumed knowledge. Shore up the information presented to the reader when necessary so the reader can experience your story from your deeper perspective.Sentence Starts StructuresStrictly a writing review, with the objective of exposing repetitive writing habits. Such habits can dramatically affect your story, as they eventually become predictable to the reader, which then makes them aware of you, the author, instead of your story.Everyone has writing habits. They are tied to our accustomed way of communicating. Some are so ingrained that they become known as our 'style'.This revision isn't meant to dilute your style, your special voice, or any other uniqueness in your writing. Instead, you will be checking for unimaginative sentence starts, obtuse or convoluted sentence structur es, and repetitive phrases or words or use of character names, among other things.Continuity isn't bettered by starting nearly every sentence with a pronoun or a character's name. Combining related concepts in a complex sentence can enrich a transition or deepen emoting. Creating 40-50 word sentences that over-explain, confuse, or present concepts at cross-purposes can tire a reader and even cause them to abandon your story.Identify when, where, and if these lame or aggravating writing habits appear in your story, and then re-write to strengthen your story.DialogueYou probably can envision most of the conversations held between your characters, but have you framed these conversations in an engaging way, avoided using actions or reactions as dialogue tags (we can grimace, but cannot 'grimace' words), or ensured that a conversation actually contributes to the story?Once again, continuity and the relationship of dialogue to the scene and story should guide you in your revision and re-w rites. Consider the entirety of the scene, what it is meant to accomplish, and if the dialogue promotes that goal. Does the dialogue expand and deepen the understanding of the story, the characters, and the relationships between all?An additional review aspect is to identify any instances where dialogue is used as an info-dump, back-story or otherwise. Determine if that material is better presented as narrative. Dialogue that informs is fine, as long as it is the most appropriate and powerful way to present the information.Are you looking for more advice on how to revise your novel? Check out some of our other editors' advice on the Kobo blog.Of course, nothing trumps working with editing professionals. And we happen to have the best ones (like Maria) on Reedsy, so check out our marketplace here.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Dark side of Technology video Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Dark side of Technology video - Movie Review Example He also looks at nuclear bomb development and how this technology has developed over the past years as well as the problems arising from it. He finally highlights the effects of global warming, which are mainly caused by development of technology and the impact it can have on the future of the human race. I agree with his position mainly because of the possibilities that he cites according to various categories of technological tribulations. According to the video clip, the speaker talks about the possibility of deadly viruses being converted into weapons and this is becoming an ever-increasing threat with development of technology. The fact that the genomes of these viruses are easily available on the internet is a threat in itself because it takes a simple download button and one has the core component of creating this virus. The sequences of deadly virus genomes such as anthrax are readily available on the internet and this itself makes the internet an open source of unlimited threat. Technology also has seen the improvement of research methods and the possibility of the creation of a super virus that has the potential of wiping out the human race. It should be noted that this problem cannot be overlooked. Nuclear energy has also seen a major improvement in technology in recent times especially in the area of nuclear weapons production. The latest technology, whereby, laser beams are used to enrich uranium has the po tential to be developed in the coming years such that it will be inexpensive thus making it accessible to many countries. One can only wonder what would happen if a majority of countries had nuclear weapons and a world war happens to break out. That thought is enough to provoke the thought of the possibility of human extinction. The other negative effect of technology development in the form of global warming has seen the rise of sea levels and in the near future, there will be a possibility of dry land being immersed in water
Friday, October 18, 2019
Decisions in Papradise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Decisions in Papradise - Essay Example The first stage of the decision making technique discussed by Kolb et. al. (2007) is to take an overall view of the situation so it can be fully analyzed and understood by those making the decisions. This begins with examining the facts as well as the needs of the company and the eventual goals as to where it wants to be in the future. Past experiences and business expertise can be used as guides in this stage and the problem can be broken down into parts to give them priority and make the required adjustments. For our purposes, we need to conduct both a SWOT analysis and a PESTEL analysis to get a clear picture of what is happening in Kava and to understand our options for creating a greater presence on the island. The second stage comes into play when we create different solutions that can be used to help our business objectives and thus help in making decisions concerning the future of our company on Kava. The solutions can be created through brainstorming sessions and may even be outlandish. However, the decision making process comes in when we realize that certain solutions are more appropriate than others and the best solution may be what brings us closest to our objectives in the least amount of time while staying within the rules of the game. In the case of Kava, the solutions need to be based on the issues which are described in the case and these include following the mission of the company to remain profitable while being socially responsible. It is clear that developing a base of operations and helping the island is a part of the social responsibility of the company but it is difficult to see how the company can remain profitable in the given scenario. Therefore, it might be logical for the company to seek diversity for its business interests beyond its core competencies if it focuses on the variety of opportunities presented by being in Kava. Understandably, this type of critical thinking and
International Relations Course Informal Personal Intro Essay
International Relations Course Informal Personal Intro - Essay Example Therefore, the values gathered from this cause can be used in my life to foster peace in our country through interrelations, despite of their race, creed or nationality. In this case, by understanding these values, I will be able to interact with people of different background; despite the differences caused by diversity in our daily lives, and I can also avoid conflicts and resolve them whenever they arise. I have high expectations of acquiring a chance for developing diverse virtuals that will facilitate the process of becoming someone who can make a positive contribution in the world. Moreover, through this course I expect to gather skills for interrelation that will enable forming networks of mutual responsibility and a platform for sharing potential with other people around the world. I also expect to meet a highly dedicated instructor in this course, who can offer a chance to share my commitment as a student throughout the course. Moreover, I hope the course will facilitate the process of building my capabilities and character of virtuous and responsible individual, who can contribute in making the world a better place for others and me. I also expect the instructor to be honest, fair, to have critical rigor and to be a source of inspiration to the students. Furthermore, I hope that we will utilize the time offered during this course to learn and for the fair purpose that is benef icial to all students. Â Studying this course will enable gathering of knowledge and insights that can facilitate building of intercultural competencies, and sustainable disposition. Therefore, this will enable others and me to relate and build a form of interdependence, whereby facilitating globalization. The course will also make a vital contribution in development of new perception towards political reality. Therefore, this will enable building of critical and reflexive knowledge, practical values, relations that will facilitate good coexistence. Knowledge
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Benefits of the CalTex plant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Benefits of the CalTex plant - Essay Example The utilitarian benefits are many for both CalTex and the people of South Africa. Many needed jobs would have been created for workers in South Africa. Native South African would have taken many of these jobs. A job at a CalTex plant might be their best means for improving their own economic situation. CalTex had a history of paying better than average wages and they were also known for promoting employees from within. I know that if I were a black South African, I would have been very upset about the unfair political situation in my own country. But I also know that I would love to have the sort of economic opportunity that would be provided to me by working for a good paying corporation like CalTex. I think I would understand that CalTex was not the reason behind the current political system. I do not believe I would even feel that their presence aided the current political system or helped to keep it in power. The utilitarian benefits I would see as a native South African would be great. I would have a dependable job, food on the table and a possibility for working my way up in a company. I would be living in an unjust society, but I would not blame CalTex for doing business in my country. It is true that the white controlled government would get a more stable supply of petroleum products if the CalTex expansion occurred, but that same expansion meant that all South Africans would have access to more abundant, cheaper petroleum products. The reality of the situation is, South Africa had enough of their own engineers to make their own petroleum refineries. If CalTex completely divested, the only loser would be the corporation. If I were a stockholder, voting on the first two resolutions would have been very easy decisions. I would not have voted to cease operations in South Africa. This would have resulted in a huge drop in the price of my stock. It would have been like taking money out of my pocket and throwing it away for no good reason. There is no way tha t ceasing operations in south Africa would have helped bring the government down or change the rights of the people there. I would have voted a strong no on the first resolution. The second resolution would have received a no vote from me as well. This is quite a ridiculous proposition when you think about it. The proposition required CalTex to withhold sales to the South African government and military. My reason for not voting for this crazy proposition is it creates a litmus test for buying CalTex oil. It basically says that if you are not conducting yourself in a moral manner then we will not sell oil products to you. The problem is simply this, who gets to decide how bad is too bad? A corporation needs to not split hairs determining if a customer is moral enough to buy their product. The American government has been beset by scandals and there is plenty of history of racism and repression. Does this mean CalTex will no longer sell to America? What about the Chinese? The Italian s? All nations have blemishes and inherent injustices built into their systems. It is not the job of a corporation to try to sort all of them out morally. If they have cash, then you sell. The third proposition would have gotten a yes vote from me. Looking at the Tutu principles, I think is would be in the best interest of the company to abide by them. Caring for the family unit and supporting it would have
Baw.Grop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Baw.Grop - Essay Example If the trade bloc comprises of geographically proximate countries, the trade agreement is known as ‘regional trade agreement. Most of these trade agreements are done to enhance the business situation in a region by the coordination offered by each of the member states. Back in 2006, on the first day of January, the agreement on South Asia Free Trade Agreement came into force. Out of their members India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are known as Non Least development Contracting state (NLDCS) and Bhutan, Bangladesh, Maldives are Nepal are referred as Least Developed Contracting States (LDCS) (Commerce, n.d.). The member countries of this agreement are able to avail a number of trade opportunities which are specifically available to the member countries of this agreement. These agreements have emerged to promote multilateral trade with a commitment to offer higher rate of economic growth worldwide. However, the spread of these regional blocs has denied allowing the non member countries to take the advantage of free trading. To enjoy the benefits of free trading which include enhanced resource allocation, improved level of efficiency, exposure to new innovative ideas, technologies and products the South Asia countries must ensure trade facilitation, econom ic cooperation to other Agreements and higher investment across the countries in that region. Despite of the fact that South Asia Association for regional Cooperation (SAARC) is being into existence for the last 25 years, still in 2004, the percentage of intra regional trade was only of 4 % of the total trade amount (Kemal, 2004). In a review, World Bank has revealed that all the regional grouping does not boost the trade and enhance the growth automatically. Although, the objective of these regional trading groups is to promote inter regional trade and economic growth, a large no of groups fail to achieve the same (Kemal, 2004). SAFTA has allowed
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Benefits of the CalTex plant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Benefits of the CalTex plant - Essay Example The utilitarian benefits are many for both CalTex and the people of South Africa. Many needed jobs would have been created for workers in South Africa. Native South African would have taken many of these jobs. A job at a CalTex plant might be their best means for improving their own economic situation. CalTex had a history of paying better than average wages and they were also known for promoting employees from within. I know that if I were a black South African, I would have been very upset about the unfair political situation in my own country. But I also know that I would love to have the sort of economic opportunity that would be provided to me by working for a good paying corporation like CalTex. I think I would understand that CalTex was not the reason behind the current political system. I do not believe I would even feel that their presence aided the current political system or helped to keep it in power. The utilitarian benefits I would see as a native South African would be great. I would have a dependable job, food on the table and a possibility for working my way up in a company. I would be living in an unjust society, but I would not blame CalTex for doing business in my country. It is true that the white controlled government would get a more stable supply of petroleum products if the CalTex expansion occurred, but that same expansion meant that all South Africans would have access to more abundant, cheaper petroleum products. The reality of the situation is, South Africa had enough of their own engineers to make their own petroleum refineries. If CalTex completely divested, the only loser would be the corporation. If I were a stockholder, voting on the first two resolutions would have been very easy decisions. I would not have voted to cease operations in South Africa. This would have resulted in a huge drop in the price of my stock. It would have been like taking money out of my pocket and throwing it away for no good reason. There is no way tha t ceasing operations in south Africa would have helped bring the government down or change the rights of the people there. I would have voted a strong no on the first resolution. The second resolution would have received a no vote from me as well. This is quite a ridiculous proposition when you think about it. The proposition required CalTex to withhold sales to the South African government and military. My reason for not voting for this crazy proposition is it creates a litmus test for buying CalTex oil. It basically says that if you are not conducting yourself in a moral manner then we will not sell oil products to you. The problem is simply this, who gets to decide how bad is too bad? A corporation needs to not split hairs determining if a customer is moral enough to buy their product. The American government has been beset by scandals and there is plenty of history of racism and repression. Does this mean CalTex will no longer sell to America? What about the Chinese? The Italian s? All nations have blemishes and inherent injustices built into their systems. It is not the job of a corporation to try to sort all of them out morally. If they have cash, then you sell. The third proposition would have gotten a yes vote from me. Looking at the Tutu principles, I think is would be in the best interest of the company to abide by them. Caring for the family unit and supporting it would have
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
American Globalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
American Globalism - Essay Example He hoped to rescue the world by ending First World War. Although he failed, the peace he brokered lasted for a significant two decades. However, today American politicians rationalize military intervention using the very arguments Wilson used to convince America and the rest of the world about the need for peace, economic stability and development. This marked the end of America’s isolation. Through his well-calculated political moves, he transformed America and made it the center of Europe’s politics. Afterwards, the continent of Europe largely depended more or less on American policy. For his efforts to foster world peace, Wilson was awarded Nobel Peace Prize. At the time, Europe was the epicenter of the world (The Peacemakers 0:42). In its wake, World War 1 claimed millions of lives and saw the devastation of the world economy. The warring parties ceded no ground for dialog. It took the relentless efforts of Wilson to bring the stalemate to an end. Thus, America intervened to ending World War One. He was able to convince the US Senate, arguing that it was the duty of America to aid structure for lasting peace. He asserted that the goal of the war was to establish a community power as opposed to a power balance. Achieving an organized common peace as opposed to organized rivalry was paramount in a new world order. This argument was critical in ending the war in Europe. Thus, the America foreign policy was changed. In the movie, The Great War "Collapse, they maintained that America’s involvement in the war would help in the establishing world peace and stabilize the social and economy social relations (The Great War "Collapse 0:39-42). Conversely, the realists believed that America’s significant task was to balance the welfare of various countries to achieve a stable equilibrium. The idealists believed in the dreams of
Strategic Cost Management (SCM) GPBL Trimester Essay Example for Free
Strategic Cost Management (SCM) GPBL Trimester Essay Strategic Variance Analysis of a Firm Growth,Price, Profitability, Productivity Elements affecting its Profits and consequent Cash Flow. Max. Word Count 3000 words This is a study on a Strategic Variance Analysis for the profitability as well as the Operating Cash flow. In this context you need to take some critical assumptions if you are unable to procure the relevant quantitative details. The quantitative details you will need are as follows: 1. Industry aggregates of the Units Produced and Sold 2. Chosen Firm level details of the Units Produced and Sold. 3. Input Output Ratio. This will need assumptions and perhaps be restricted only to the materials. You need to perform a reasonable amount of research to obtain these numbers. Quantitative details may be provided in Annual Reports of the firms constituting the industry you have considered. Check sources such as the Capitaline. Ministry of Commerce and Industry, RBI, Planning commission, some publications such as the statistical outline of India etc etc. You need to examine the following: a) Select an Industry, use an appropriate justification of having defined the industry by using the ITC code, HSN or SIC classification or any other that will have some universal acceptability. b) Choose a Firm you would want to analyze that constitutes the Industry you have chosen. c) If industry aggregates are not available define the industry by identifying the major industry players and then aggregate their quantitative details to make this a proxy for the Industry or the market you would want t o consider. d) Perform a Strategic Variance Analysis to demarcate the impact of Growth, Price and Productivity elements in explaining the impact on the changes in the profits of the firm you have chosen for the year with its subsequent year. Therefore if you are analyzing the Year 2011 compare this with 2012 for the firm and the industry. e) Perform a strategic variance analysis on the operating cash flow for the firm chosen. f) Conclude on strategy you believe the firm is adopting given the financial analysis you have done. Marking Parameters: 1. Choice of the Industry and the firm and its justification. -[10 Marks] 2. Demonstrated evidence of the research done in obtaining information for points (a), (b) and (c). [30 Marks] 3. Critical Analysis of Points (d) and (e).[50 Marks] 4. Conclusion[10 Marks]
Monday, October 14, 2019
Saving Private Ryan Analysis
Saving Private Ryan Analysis Saving Private Ryan by Steven Spielberg. Introduction Steven Spielberg’s acclaimed 1998 war film Saving Private Ryan tells the story of the search for Private James Francis Ryan (Matt Damon), an American soldier missing in Normandy, France, during the Second World War. Captain John Miller (Tom Hanks) receives orders to assemble a group of soldiers to find the fourth son of the Ryan family, who have received notification on the same day of the death of three of their sons while in action. The film opens with an aged veteran visiting the American Cemetery in Normandy with his wife, children and grandchildren. He falls to his knees and breaks down in tears at the graveside of a fallen comrade. The film then cuts to a twenty-five minute sequence which has become the focus of much close analysis and critical commentary. The reconstruction of the US landings on Omaha Beach on the 6 June 1944, at the beginning of the Normandy invasion, places the viewer at the centre of the bloody onslaught, as machine-guns fire mercilessly into the bodies of the soldiers as they make they way forward into German defences. Bodies are ripped apart (a soldier holds his exposed intestines), limbs fly in the air (a soldier bends down to pick up his lost arm), bodies catch fire, and the ceaseless unnerving rattle of gun fire, represent a stunningly powerful and vivid experience for the film’s viewers. â€Å"The intense and fearful exhilaration created by a freely and rapidly moving camer a is central.†The graphic realism of the sequence; with the continuous jerky movement of hand-held cameras, capturing the madness and confusion of the battle; and the painstaking attention to gory detail, with blood and water splashing the camera lens, was to be heralded by many as one of Spielberg’s defining cinematic achievements. Hendrik Hertzberg wrote on the film’s release in ‘The New Yorker’: â€Å"What makes â€Å"Saving Private Ryan†utterly distinctive is the sense that it has no agenda other than to capture the experience of being a combat soldier in the last global war.†The vivid depiction of death and injury experienced by Captain Miller, as he succeeds in leading his company of Rangers at Omaha Beach, sets the tone for the remaining two hours of the film, as the viewer follows him in his next mission to find and return James Ryan to his mother. Captain Miller assembles seven men for the task, and the soldiers move into Normandy’s neighbouring Neuville. Private Carpazo (Vin Diesel) is the group’s first victim, when he is shot dead by a German sniper. With tempers fraying and internal mistrust building, the locating of James Frederick Ryan, the wrong soldier, leads to further dissent. However Captain Miller finally discovered Ryan’s whereabouts, in Ramelle, following a chance meeting with one of his friends. On the way to Ryan the soldiers loose their second victim, Wade (Giovanni Ribisi), and Miller’s leadership is again questioned when he prevents a surrendered German being shot by one of his men, named Reiben, (Edward Burns), and sets him free. Captain Miller succeeds in reasserting trust, confidence and comradeship in the group by revealing personal details about his past and origins, including his position as an English teacher. Susan Hayward writes: â€Å"the gore of war is matched by the unheralded heroism of an individual who stands for humanity.† When the group of remaining soldier finally reach Ramelle they find American paratroopers, including Ryan, defending the town from advancing German troops with very few soldiers. When told of their mission, and the death of his brothers, Ryan refuses to stand down, instead courageously heading for the bridge which will need to be held, asking Miller and his men to join him. As the German tanks arrive, Miller reluctantly agrees and takes command of the few soldiers. Heavily outnumbered, malnourished and exhausted, most of Captain Miller’s men are fatally injured. Spielberg again graphically visualises the horror of war as one man is stabbed, another shot in the throat, and another shot down with repeated unrelenting gun fire. Spielberg uses camera distancing and focal points as a means to involve the viewer within the frantic action of this batt le sequence. The knowledge that somewhere above snipers prey on the men is constantly drawn upon. Captain Miller himself is eventually shot down and soon dies in the arms of Ryan as backup arrives too late from another American infantry. The town is saved, but only three men, including Ryan, survive. As the film ends the veteran at the graveside of Captain Miller is revealed to be James Ryan. He stands to attention and salutes the American flag, which lies on the grave, acknowledging his comrade’s sacrifice and honour in his own and his country’s name. Saving Private Ryan received much critical acclaim, including eleven Academy Award nominations. Steven Spielberg achieved the Best Director award, Cinematographer Janusz Kaminski and film editor Michael Kahn’s contribution to the film’s brutal realism was also acknowledged by the Academy. Produced with an estimated budget of â€Å"$70 000 000†Saving Private Ryan was theatrically released by Paramount Pictures, and distributed by Spielberg’s Production Company DreamWorks, andmade â€Å"$30, 576, 104†on its opening weekend alone. The continued popularity of the film, by audiences and critics, and what has led many to label the film as the best War film ever made, is attributable to the timelessness of the visual effects and memorable scenes (most notably the opening Omaha sequence, and the final battle for the bridge). The historical accuracy and artistic license of the film has been invariably considered in the decade following the release of Savin g Private Ryan, but the consensus is that the style and form of the film ensure a powerful and captivating, if harrowing, experience for any viewer. It is a film which places audiences at the centre of the narrative; viewers are â€Å"encouraged to review and consider what they see- and, if point-of-view matters, to contemplate why.†As with his earlier graphic Holocaust film Schindler’s List (1993), Steven Spielberg ambition is to exceed visual entertainment, using reconstructive dramatisation as a means to ‘experience’ the unimaginable in a wholly believable way. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Hayward, Susan. Cinema Studies: The Key Concepts. London: Routledge, 2000. Morris, Nigel. The Cinema of Steven Spielberg. London: Wallflower Press, 2007. Tasker, Yvonne. Fifty Contemporary Filmmakers. London: Routledge, 2002.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Science :: essays research papers
LAW, SOCIAL SCIENCE, LITERATURE, LAW SCHOOL, AND PERSONAL STATEMENTS Law School Admissions: Why Bother? Stately and plump, Harvard Law School admits just 850 to yield a class of 550; for Yale, fewer than 400 admitted brings a svelte class of 170. Ever battling its late entry and the suspectness of a West Coast address -- â€Å"newness†coupled with the perception that sunshine vitiates seriousness -- Stanford Law School admitted 435 to make a class of 180 for the class of 1998. For the most part, students admitted to Stanford either go to Stanford, go to Harvard, go to Yale, or don’t go to law school. Five-hundred fifty plus 150 plus 180 equals 880. Eight-hundred eighty is just 30 more than 850, which implies that Harvard, which was first, still is first when it comes to circumscribing the legal elite. In other words, if Harvard effectively locates the 850 students who will be divided among itself, Stanford, and Yale, why bother worrying about what Stanford does, who it admits? As this reasoning goes, Harvard has taken care of things. Harvard defines the 850 students, implying that the admissions procedures of the latter two are superfluous -- like so much, parasitic on Harvard. Not so. First, it matters, year to year, for as long as Stanford’s and Yale’s classes are small and Harvard’s is big, who Stanford and Yale reject. Stanford rejects contribute importantly to the School’s reputation. Stanford admits 400 compared to Harvard’s 800. Assuming considerable overlap in application patterns, many of Harvard’s last 400 admitees were likely rejected by Stanford. The perception, widely held, that attendance at Harvard means one could have gone anywhere is false; rejection by Stanford serves as a reminder of the proposition’s falseness. The presence of Stanford rejects at Harvard is another way of saying Stanford is good because, as everyone knows, Harvard is good. More broadly, it is possible to play renegade in this game as Stanford apparently did several years ago by admitting â€Å"older†students and reaching outside the 850. Thus it does, or can, matter who Stanford admits in the sense of Stanford making an original contribution to the 850 who will compose the first year classes at Harvard, Yale, and Stanford. What is being rewarded or predicted when an applicant is considered -- particularly something that differs from the competing schools -- can materially alter, for good or for bad, the profession by deliberately attempting to send a different sort of person into the law.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Positive Aspects of Atticus Finch Essay -- essays research papers
In the past century, there have been many great novels written. One of which is Harper Lee's, 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. In the novel it introduces a prominent character who not only was a good father but also a well respected, and compassionate man. This person is Atticus Finch. Through all the struggles and pressures, he stands strong as a very positive father figure, making sure to educate his children with important values including equality, bravery, and knowledge. Regardless of one?s race or colour, Atticus has a fair attitude towards all people. Early in the novel, a black man named Tom Robinson was accused of raping a white woman. Atticus took on the case to defend Tom without another thought simply because he treats everyone equally. From the moment he agreed to defend Tom, he knew right away that it was a case he could not hope to win. However, when his daughter, Scout asked why he was defending Tom, he told her that he must argue it to uphold his keen sense of justice and self-respect. ?Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win.? (Page 76) Furthermore, when Jem brought home Walter Cunningham, Atticus was nice enough to let him stay for lunch and treated him as an equal. He never looked down on him even though he was a Cunningham, poor farmers who were in the middle class above the black. ?Jem ran to the kitchen and asked Calpurnia to set an extra plate, we had company. Atticus g reeted Walter and began a discussion about crops neither Jem nor I could follow.? (Page 24) Jem learned important lessons from his father regarding bravery. Atticus? went against the norm, refusing to hunt and his disapproval of guns. He believed that guns do not make men brave a... the human race and to no particular race of men. There is not a person in this courtroom who has never told a lie, who has never done an immoral thing, and there is no man living who has never looked upon a woman without desire? (Page 204) In conclusion, Atticus has a very significant role in the novel. Through Atticus, the town became aware that, although Tom was black, Atticus still did his best to defend him and never gave up. Most importantly, Atticus proved to his children, and the townspeople that all men are created equal and should be given the same respect as everyone else regardless of their skin colour. He showed his son, Jem the true face of courage. Moreover, he taught his children the importance of education. A strong, solid character, such as Atticus Finch has brought the book, ?To Kill A Mockingbird? to be considered a remarkable classic.
Personal Views Ethics
u01a1 Personal Views Ethics Essay Each person should live with moral standards. To distinguish between the right and wrong is based on the person’s ethics. It describes what kind of values and beliefs does the person has. In business, it composed of standard ethics that serves as a guideline among employees about their expectation to the company. Newell S. stated that ethics in business focuses on identifying the moral standards of right and wrong as they apply to behaviour within and across business institutions and other related organizations.The goal of business is to gain profit but, the fair practices they implement internally and externally matters because the values they represents reflects the ethics of the company. Rajeeve stated that the lack of business ethics in the market is the reason the world economy is presently in crisis. Unethical practices such as dishonesty, lack of transparency, creating false documents, and sexual discrimination are activities that are n ot fair. A Quick Ethics Test from Dayton Fandray of Raytheon Company was chosen to distinguish the ethical values of the person when faced in dilemmas. Consider the following article: Drawbacks of Business EthicsIt includes the information about legalities, the affected person of such case, fitting of right values, the appearance in newspaper, its reflection on the company, the choice of being right and the feeling towards the result (Salopek J. , 2001). Through this test, the company can assess the capabilities of their employees in terms of ethical thinking. A concrete briefing about the company’s ethics is needed as a recommendation after the assessment. This test is valid to develop the employee’s ability in decision making against the company’s policy and procedures, regulations, values and self-The effects of ethics in Business perspective. When an employee turns to a gray decision situation, reflecting through this test is essentially help before proceeding. Myths of Business Ethics Ketz, E. (2003) stated that many myths exist in the business world. He lay out seven ethics and five were further discussed in the following section. The first myth given is about the non-existence of business ethics. Principles of ethics were come from the personal life. The correlation of ethics to the aspects of life is given proof and justifiable than the business ethics itself.The value of honesty is adapted from the person’s character and applied in the business policy. Ethics is a matter of education alone. This explains that those who are educated are the only one who has ethics. But, most unethical people in the business world came from the prestigious universities. Responsibility for ethical education rests with colleges and universities. This myth emphasizes that colleges and universities are accountable for the training of ethics of such person. To clarify this, ethics is learn through one’s belief and shape by the experiences gain.The behaviour or attitude reflects the character of the person as a whole. Ethics is different from mathematics that needs to be computed or English that needs to be grammatically correct. The effects of ethics Business Ethical dilemmas are episodic. This myth explains that ethical problems comes only occasionally during one's life. Ethical dilemmas are not planned. It came out unexpectedly and the frequent encounter of it doesn’t count. It doesn’t have limits on how many times it will come to the person’s live.Professional ethics can be separated from personal ethics. This myth is not true. The ethics of such person reflects with its own character. The way the person presents himself whether in the business or personal aspects of his life is the same. Decision Making Ethics in business serves as a guide to employees to give confidence in their decision. It equips them tools and references that will help in decision making. It established unified rules and belief that will entrust each employee to help each other towards the goal of the company.Effective leaders in the company influence the factors of the su ccess against the endeavours. They are the key decision maker. The person in this position should have strong character and principles that will not oppose to the company’s unified ethics. They are the people who are personally ethical in word, thought, and deed and who conduct their decision making openly so that they're perceived as ethical even from a distance. In a corporation, the decision maker varies from the higher position to the lower. There are different areas of expertise divided into different department.Decisions about prospective The effects of ethics in Business Clients were under the jurisdiction of sales department and not with the finance group. There are boundaries and responsibility within their own people. The leader of each group evaluates certain cases, reacts and form a solution based on company’s ethics. Conclusion Having a business ethics is important. Chen E. emphasizes the code of ethics symbolizes the ethical responsibilities of the compan y and the expectations of its employees. It serves a guide to the employees and the company as well.The success of the company varies with the ethics they have. And the ethics are based to the people involved in the organization who run and facilitate the business. Ethics are not made for displays but, for application with purpose. The challenge of being ethical an unethical in the business world has been raised. Despite the rampant unethical leaders in different industries, one of the objective can possess is the elimination of unethical business leader as start with ourselves. It can serves as a model to other beginners and will lessen the possible add- ons.The other objective or expectation for this course is to learn more in depth about the different business ethics among different companies. The issues and lawsuit tendered can be the case for justification and reference. The last expectation is to finally adapt or embrace the business ethics in the concept of being a future lea der or businessman/women. References Chen E. Main Principles of Business Ethics. Retrieved from http://ezinearticles. com/? Main-Principles-of-Business-Ethics&id=4502579 Ketz, E. 2003) The Accounting Cycle: Myths about Ethics. Retrieved from http://accounting. smartpros. com/x38366. xml Newell S. Business Ethics Q finance. Retrieved from http://www. qfinance. com/contentFiles/QF02/g1xtn5q6/12/2/business-ethics. pdf Rajeev L. Ethical and Unethical Business Practices. Retrieved from http://www. buzzle. com/articles/ethical-and-unethical-business-practices. html Salopek J. , (July 2001) Right Thing – business ethics. Retrieved from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m4467/is_7_55/ai_77713888/pg_3/? tag=content;col1
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Literary Analysis †A Raisin in the Sun Essay
In the play, A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry, the Younger’s are a poverty stricken, African American, extended family of five living in a small apartment in Chicago during the 1950’s. The mother, Lena receives a life insurance check for her deceased husband for ten thousand dollars and wants to use a portion of it to create a better life for her family and buy a home. The play covers the different ideas that each family member has in regards to how the money should be spent and the hardships that develop from those ideas. The three Younger women, Lena a strong willed older woman with traditional values, Ruth a middle aged hard working woman, and Beneatha a young, egotistical college student, all have unique characteristics which have been formed by the different time periods which they have lived in. Lena Younger, (Mama) is a strong, religious woman whose generation â€Å"was worried about not getting lynched and getting to the north†¦and still having d ignity too†(1177) has recently became the head of the Younger family due to the death of her husband. Her dream is to purchase a home for her family with the $10,000 she is receiving from her husband’s life insurance. Mama â€Å"come from five generations of people who was slaves and share-croppers (1204) that taught her to take pride in herself and her family. She was raised in a generation where the men made the decisions for his family and the wife supported whatever that decision was. Shasta Gaughen indicates that it wasn’t until the late 1950’s and early 1960’s that women started leaving the home and taking on roles other than just a homemaker. Mama grew up where religion was the backbone of the family, youth respected their elders and the power of the dollar did not consume your life, â€Å"Once upon a time freedom use to be life – now it’s money†(1177) She wants her son to step up and take over the head of household role, but his obsession with money and opening a liquor store gets in the way of him doing so. Mama feels the ge neration gap between herself and her children â€Å"don’t let us understand each other†(1168) and continues to cause conflict for the family throughout the play. She struggles with her children’s obsession of money and questions the type of adults they are becoming. The one soft side of Mama is her grandson Travis. When Ruth is trying to punish Travis, Mama steps in and makes excuses for his actions which creates tension between Mama and Ruth. Ruth Younger, Mama’s daughter-in-law, is a hard working, tired woman who believes in traditional values that are similar to that of Mama’s. They both share the dream of purchasing a home and making a better life for the family. The stress of living in poverty has worn her down over the years and because of this she makes rash decisions that she otherwise would never do. This is made evident when she contemplates having an abortion rather than bringing another financial burden into their lives. Her husband’s obsession with monetary things is causing conflict in their marriage and she does her best to convey this to him â€Å"Remember how we used to talk†¦about the way we were going to live†¦well it’s all starting to slip away from us†(1183). Beneatha Younger, Mama’s daughter, is a young egotistical college student who is youthful and determined to become a doctor so she can make a difference in the world. She is the most educated of the women and comes from a completely different generation than the other two women. With her generation we begin to see women fighting for equal rights. On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat to a white bus rider which was a custom in the south. When she is arrested the black community boycotts the buses for a year which inspires blacks and females elsewhere (A&E Networks). Beneatha is struggling to find her own identity in these changing times and is dating two men with different backgrounds hoping to find herself. The more education she receives, the harder it is for her to relate to her family and we begin to see the selfish and egotistical side to her. She puts herself first and spends money on careless items and thinks she is better that the other members of her family. The main social aspect we see in this play is racial discrimination. The civil rights movement during the 1950s and 1960s resulted in new laws that reversed more than 100 years of racial segregation. These began to put an end to inferior education, better housing and public accommodations, equality for not only African Americans, but also women and other races that were discriminated against (Mikula and Mabunda). Mama purchases a home in an all-white neighborhood because it is cheaper and better quality then what she would receive an African American neighborhood. Mama is thinking of her families quality of life and not how her family is going to affect the neighborhood. They receive a visit from a representative of the neighborhood who offers to  buy them out because their family just won’t fit in well with the residents. Walter refuses this offer, but after losing the money begins to re-think it and contacts Mr. Linder again. The family members believe that Walter is going to take the offer and that they will never be out of their poverty stricken surroundings, but in the end he does not accept it and proves â€Å"we come from people who had a lot of pride†¦ we are very proud people (1206)†and that sticking by your family and not conforming to other’s beliefs make them stronger not only as individuals, but most importantly as a family. Upon reading this entire play, it was easy for me to compare the Younger’s situation to my own as a child. Growing up, I lived with my brother and my mother. My father had a son that died of Leukemia and after that lost all desire to live and became a severe alcoholic. My parents divorced when I was 5 and my father did not give us any support. The next time I was to see him, I would be in my late 20’s, making amends with him on his dea th bed. My mom worked at a distribution warehouse for 20 years, which was very hard physical labor. We always had a roof over our heads and a hot meal, but I now know that had our Church not helped us there would have been times were we would not have had heat or electricity. In today’s society, people expect handouts from the government. I am proud to say my mom didn’t rely on monthly handouts and words cannot express how much respect I have for her. My mother worked for very little and towards the end of her employment people were starting out at what she was making after working there for 20 years. This situation taught me how important family is and also the value of a dollar. I have three boys of my own and even though we are able to give them so much more than I had growing up, I am proud to say they have purchased their own vehicles and had steady jobs throughout school while playing sports and maintaining good grades. I feel the values our youth of today will gain from these experiences will only help their future endeavors and those that have everything given to them create problems in our society as adults. Just like the Younger’s, I learned that as family, you stick together and overcome what problems there may be. The value of the love of your family will always be worth more than anything of monetary value. Works Cited Gaughen, Shasta. Introduction to Women’s Rights: Contemporary Issues Companion. Green haven Press, 2003. Web. 23 November 2014. Mikula, Mark and Mabunda, L. Mpho. Gender Discrimination Great American Court Cases. Vol. 3. Equal Protection and Family Law. Detroit: Gale, 1999. Web. 23 November 2014. Staff, Civil Rights Movement. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 23 November 2014.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Should Handguns be Banned in San Francisco Essay
Should Handguns be Banned in San Francisco - Essay Example In a point by point counter argument Guy Smith quotes a wide range of validated research (based on the theories of Florida criminologist Gary Kleck) to point out that ï‚ § the victims of most gun crimes are known felons, ï‚ § that crimes of passion are statistically rare ï‚ § the New England Journal of Medicine research Supervisor Daly relies upon is known to be seriously flawed ï‚ § there is not necessarily a causal relationship between the availability of handguns and suicide rates ï‚ § there is research evidence to suggest that criminals are less likely to target someone they know to be armed ï‚ § the police force are unable to prevent crime effectively and in any event have no legal duty to protect a specific individual One wonders how useful it is to compare and contrast San Francisco with a country like Japan which has developed very differently in terms of defining a criminal and the status of handguns. For example one is aware that there is nothing like the personal honor code of the Japanese in the US. One cannot simply compare suicide rates in the way that Smith has done without examining why the Japanese commit suicide in the first place. All that can be deduced from the research on suicide that Smith quotes is that successful suicides do not require handguns - - they will find other means. The problem with these figures is that they are taken out of context. It is not clear what percentage of crime involves the use of firearms.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Marriage Practices of Chicano Population Research Paper
Marriage Practices of Chicano Population - Research Paper Example The mother in law plays a significant role during the marriage ceremony. Firstly, they help the bride to prepare for the big occasion. Mother in laws is expected to prepare their children for the roles that are expected of them as a mother and wife. Similarly, in Chicano culture, the mother in law is expected to prepare her daughter for her new roles. In addition, they are expected to help them to prepare for the big moment in their lives. A Chicano woman is expected to enter the marriage institution fully aware of expectations and equipped with the necessary skills to be a good wife and mother (ODea 812). Furthermore, they are expected to prepare the big dinners. The Chicano community has a special relationship with food. In the community, food plays a significant role, as the community not only enjoys eating a well-prepared meal but it also serves as a celebration of their culture. The Chicano community is among the closest-knit community in America. The bride is not expected to see the groom before the wedding day. The practice is widespread among all societies in the world. Most people believe that seeing the groom before the wedding would jinx the marriage. As a result, there is a period of separation between the bride and groom before they get married. The liminal phase is represented by the actual wedding day. The Chicano community loves to party. As a result, weddings are an excellent excuse for having a good time. The event is characterized by good music and dancing. The Chicano community has a deep appreciation for music. In addition, the community loves to celebrate the big moments in a person’s life.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Wireless Technology Impact on SCADA Research Paper
Wireless Technology Impact on SCADA - Research Paper Example This is the dawn of the new, sophisticated SCADA. Already, new, state-of-the-art SCADA alternatives or hybrids have emerged in the market. Expect the new SCADA to be more powerful, and more secured, as more cyber-proofing options are being developed in line with the government’s drive to protect the country’s critical infrastructures. This paper will define the SCADA system, its evolution through time until today’s present generation, with all the attendant threats and vulnerabilities that accompany the open architecture of the IT system, with suggestions/recommendations on how to overcome these threats/cyber risks. Sample project analyses aim to show how an upgraded SCADA system will enable ease of operation and control. Industry disasters and mishap should serve as lessons in history. Government initiatives and regulations plus the preponderance of summits and conferences show that governments, industries and business are aware of the constant threats and vulnerabilities, the downside in today’s incredible, amazing computer and technological developments. 1. What is SCADA? SCADA (acronym for System Control and Data Acquisition) is the integrated, computerized industrial process control system used to collect real time algorithms in manufacturing plants and major pipeline industries like water and waste water facilities, electrical companies, oil and fuel transports, oil refineries, mass railways, nuclear power plants, and many more industries. ...
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Medical equipment lifecycle ( Medical Equipment & Technology Services Essay
Medical equipment lifecycle ( Medical Equipment & Technology Services Management) - Essay Example The advantages which are connected with medical technology are substantial. There exists a disturbing rise in the index of patient moratlity of which medical facility error has been a causal attribute. Medical Technology Equipment from the User's Perspective Academic articles and books have recommended that user participation by means of the inclusion of the ergonomic engineering inside of the medical component architecture and production process (MDDD) presents many advantages which facilitate the production of less hazardous and more efficient medical technology components which cater to the user's needs in a more effective manner. There has not been a great deal of research which has been completed with regards to the user participation in this procedure, the efficacy of the participation of the medical equipment user in providing feedback (Money et al., 2011). Medical technology equipment usage at the planning phase was discovered to be the greatest due to the participation of th e users. Participation of the users at the planning stage is regarded to be of great importance. The most elevated user involvement during the planning phase was to formulate user directed designs which are applied to implementing new efficient product designs. The design outcomes are applied to the manufacture of medical components which have increased equipment user security and that may be effectively applied. Another purpose for the increased user participation at the planning stage is the need for formal planning procedures which should be initiated and concluded with the customer requisites as per regulation ISO 9001. Nonetheless, each phase of the medical component life cycle is integral and required (Shah, 2006, p. 506). In considering a holistic perspective to the comprehension of the interactions between individuals and system components, it becomes feasible to classify the technological characteristics that will best comply with the user's requirements. This holistic pers pective will augment the quality of the medical technology equipment experience and the well being of the user when applying the medical technology. The user centered perspective which is applied by practitioners with respect to ergonomics may enable health care organizations to possess a methodology of application when procuring and applying medical technology. This users perspective includes the ascertaining if the medical technology equipment complies with the ergonomics requisites of the user and if there will be any adverse impact on the technology system of which it will become an integral element (Shaver and Braun, 2008). The Nielsen -Schneiderman Heuristics Perspective The Nielsen- Schneiderman Heuristics are the following elements of evaluations which should be applied from a user's perspective on the ergonomics of medical technology equipment: 1. Consistent results- The users should be aware that the actions which are performed will provide empirically assessed results. 2. Visible operation of the medical technology equipment. 3. Mental compatibility of the user's perception of the medical technology equipment concept. 4. Minimal information requisites. 5. Minimal memorization of the medical technology equipment required. 6. User feedback on the efficiency of the medical technology equipment. 7. Resiliency- The user should be able to custom tailor the medical techn
Saturday, October 5, 2019
The comparison of numeracy learning and development Essay
The comparison of numeracy learning and development - Essay Example The paper tells that there is a widespread interest in improving mathematics achievements in schools across the world. Apart from economic benefits of mathematics, such as preparing young men and women for the numeracy requirements of the modern workplaces, and improving the skill levels of the personnel, there are social benefits tied to bettering access for many young people to training opportunities and post school education and laying firm foundations to skills for womb-to-tomb learning. The interest in heightening levels of achievement has resulted in a focus on recognizing the range of factors that determine achievement as well as interpreting how these factors operate to enhance or limit the achievement of varied groups of students. In this case study project, the researcher will consider two students, namely Christopher and John. Christopher has a British background, and he is a gifted learner. He understands the background meaning and culture of a variety of questions. Chris topher is a fast learner, and he always finds a hard time with curriculum demands as well as teachers because they comfortably cater for students with normal learning abilities. John is a Vietnamese who is in England for his studies. He has been in England for five one year and he has a problem with understanding English language, especially in speaking. John does not understand the cultural context of a variety of mathematical questions, and he is in need of constant assistance with understanding key English words. ... ied at the age of 20 years, and his academic studies stopped for about five years, after which he enrolled into a higher learning institution to study Software Security Course. He sired his first child eight years after marriage and, later, after two years, he sired another child. The second child had some mental disability, which called for more care. He took most of his time taking care of his disabled daughter, but he continued with his studies on the part time basis. Christopher decided to enrol on the numeracy level 1 in order to better his numeracy skills because he encountered many calculations including daily purchases. He passed well in level one examination and proceeded to numeracy level two. According to the results of his initial diagnostic test, he had a ‘spiky’ profile. He excellently understood some topics, and at the same time, it was difficult for him to understand other topics regarding numeracy. However, he committed himself to understand the difficul t areas, which resulted to a substantial improvement and success in his level 1 examinations. Now, when he proceeded to numeracy level 2, all topics became equally manageable. It was easier for Christopher to understand every topic because he had gone through the English Education System. His accent and approach enabled him to do well in numeracy because he could ask the lecturer for clarification every time he experienced a problem. When I started to teach in Christopher’s class, Christopher experienced some problems regarding my teaching methods as well as my accent. This was because my approaches were significantly different from the approached that the previous teachers employed in teaching. Therefore, he failed to understand some key concepts concerning numeracy. I did not hesitate to set him
Friday, October 4, 2019
A Retrospect of the Hong Kong Handover Essay Example for Free
A Retrospect of the Hong Kong Handover Essay Slide 2 Hong Kong’s handover to the Chinese government after 150 years of British colonial rule is a major historical event My paper analyzes whether or not China handled Hong Kong well 10 years after the Handover occurred. It also aims to look at the changes that have taken place since the Handover, and how they have affected the situation in Hong Kong. Important questions regarding this issue are:            After 10 years, did China handle Hong Kong well?            Has China fulfilled its promise to maintain Hong Kongs status quo as a leader in Asian economy?            Have the policies and changes that the Handover has brought been beneficial to the people of Hong Kong? My position is that China did a good job in the sense that they did not do harm to Hong Kong and was able to preserve the liberal economic and political spirit of the place. My conclusions are based on the following parameters: One, the economic situation of the territory, and two, the political situation of the territory. Slide 3 Background of the Issue Why was the Handover a source of anxiety to Hong Kong citizens?            The Hong Kong way of life is different than that of Mainland Chinas            China is under a Communist System while Hong Kong adopts a free market economy The Impact of the Hong Kong handover can be brought to light with the following facts: Geography Hong Kong is a small piece of coastal island below Mainland China. Its strategic location made it an important port for the trading of goods and is regarded as an ideal base for military and tactical operations. When it comes to its economy, Hong Kong is a force to contend with. Hong Kong: Is one the modern world’s most important financial hubs Enjoys one of the world’s highest gross domestic products Provides jobs to millions in Mainland China as well as in neighboring countries Slide 4 Aftermath of the Handover Accounts of life in Hong Kong right after the Handover were promising. Generally, it was â€Å"life as usual†. The general consensus is that the Handover did not cause the major political and economic upheavals that many feared it would. While there was a slowing down in the economy, it was not at the level expected. The changes were milder and subtler than expected The reaction of the business community to the Handover reflects the reaction of the locals: Businesses were able to ride the change without much difficulty. Multinational companies based in Hong Kong have been loyal, and were able to transcend political upheavals. Slide 5 The most important policies implemented after the Handover included â€Å"One country, two policies†and â€Å"Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong†. China also increased public spending and reduced tax. These policies have allowed Hong Kong’s Special Administrative Region (SAR) government a free hand to implement decisions with respect to Hong Kong’s political and economic environment. Such a moves also proved to be effective because it kept businesses in Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s Performance under China’s rule has been on the large part, successful. The following are evidence of China’s good handling of the Hong Kong Handover: Hong Kong was one of the least affected during the Asian economic depressions Hong Kong was one of the first to bounce back from the depression. Hong Kong survived the health problems of SARS, bird flu and mad cow disease.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Longevity Sociology Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Longevity Sociology Essay The dramatic increase in average life expectancy during the twentieth century ranks as one of societys greatest achievements. While most babies born in 1900 did not live past age 50, life expectancy at birth now exceeds eighty-three years in Japan and is at least eighty-one years in several other countries (United Nations, 2011). Life expectancy is increasing so fast that half the babies born in 2007 will live to be at least 103, while half the Japanese babies born in the same year will reach the age of 107 (Boseley, 2009). It is certain that people are glad to live a longer life since longevity is the pursuit of most humans. However, longevity has also caused a lot of problems to society, such as financial burden, lack of resources and so on. This essay is to discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of the fact that people are living a longer life so that a clear picture of the situation is shown. The advantages of longevity can be seen from both individuals and the society. As for individuals, longevity has always been considered as a kind of treasure and fortune. And wisdom is usually linked with the elder. Death has always been regarded as something frightening and most people want to live a long life. Living longer means one can stay with his or her family longer and enjoy a happy later life. People spend most of their life working and taking care of their family. So it is simple common sense that people deserve a healthy and peaceful old age after the amount of paid work. Some people die without enjoying a pleasant twilight years, which is a great pity. On the other hand, that people live longer provides an opportunity for their children to return the care they have received from parents. As a saying goes, the tree may crave calm, but the wind will not drop and the off springs want to support but for the non-existent families. It is a pain and lifelong regret for many people. With parents living longer, children can have more time to stay with and s how filial respect to them. So longevity helps to promote the harmonious relationship among family members. As for society, longevity allows people to contribute more to the world with their talent and wisdom. So many prominent scientists and scholars and other elites died with regret that they could not accomplish their plan. For example, Zhu Shenghao, a talented Chinese translator of Shakespeares works, passed away at the age of 32 due to illness. If he could live longer, there might be more Chinese versions of Shakespeare and more people could appreciate the Chinese translation art. Another illustration is the early death of English poets such as Byron who died at 36, Shelley at 29 and Keats at 25. All of them are supremely gifted and great treasure to the academia but die so young. When their poems are read by people nowadays in modern time, their rich talent can still raise great admiration. What a pity it is for the world to witness the loss of so many extraordinary talents. Since people are enjoying a longer life now, scientists can discover and invent more, scholars can write more and artists can compose more. Therefore, people living longer can make more contributions to the world. Moreover, business markets can also benefit from the reality that people live longer. Traditionally, it is believed that a person has three major periods of life: childhood, adulthood and old age. However, old age is now evolving into two segments, a third age (young old) and a fourth age (oldest old). Recognition of the older population as a major market for business is beginning, as evidenced by an increasing number of articles about the silver market. Because a great deal of wealth is held by the older population and the number of elders is increasing relative to other age groups, it makes sense for business to design products appealing to the older market, and to direct advertising to them. Consumption by the older population can stimulate the economy. The economic power of older adults also can act as a force to change the ageist stereotypes often perpetuated by advertising (Uhlenberg, 2013). In addition, since old people need to be taken care of, more nursing homes need to be b uilt. This offers more jobs so that the unemployment can be reduced and social stability can be maintained. Thus, it is beneficial to both individuals and the society with people living longer from the perspective presented above. The Disadvantages of Longevity The most obvious disadvantage of longevity people are facing now is the aging problem. The U.N. Population Division projects that people older than age 60 will increase from just less than 800 million in 2011 (11 percent of world population) to more than 2 billion in 2050 (22 percent). That is to say, by 2050, almost a quarter of the world population will be the aged. When walking in the street, one old person out of four will be seen. In a world with low fertility, low mortality, and restricted immigration, countries must deal with the reality of having 20 percent or 30 percent of their populations older than age 65 (Uhlenberg, 2013). The aging population causes a series of problems to the society. First of all, old people have to be taken care of, which leave great burden to their family as well as the society. According to an article published in the journal Corporate Adviser, MGM Advantage calculates the current level of annual household expenditure where the main occupant is aged 75 and over at more than  £6,000. So if someone lived until they were 100, between their 75th and 100th birthday not including inflation, they would need to find around  £400,000 to live. This, combined with falling annuity rates, will lead to more pensioners falling below the poverty line. (Corporate Adviser 2011) Though that people live longer is good news, the fact that should not be neglected is that this has a huge financial burden on people. The great pressure to support old parents may lead to the cracks of relationship between children and parents. There are reports about old people who cannot afford to live in nursing homes and have no child to rely on. So it is the responsibility of t he government to help the old. In developed countries, where acute care and institutional long-term-care services are widely available, the use of medical care services by adults rises with age, and per capita expenditures on healthcare are relatively high among older age groups. Accordingly, the rising proportion of older people places upward pressure on overall healthcare spending in the developed world (Kinsella, Beard and Suzman, 2013). Secondly, longevity does not necessary mean health. The rate of getting illness increases with the growth of old age. In spite of the advances in medical technology, there are still many diseases that cannot be treated efficiently. For example, the prevalence of dementia increases dramatically with age, and the projected costs of caring for the growing numbers of people with dementia are daunting. The World Alzheimer Report 2012 (Alzheimers Disease International, 2012) estimates that the total worldwide cost of dementia exceeded US$600 billion in 2010, including informal care provided by family and others, social care provided by community care professionals, and direct costs of medical care. An Australian study has estimated that around 10 percent of the expected increase in healthcare costs anticipated over the next twenty years will be due to this condition alone (Vos, et al., 2007). In addition, longer life expectancy and lower fertility rate may lead to lack of young working forces. The world with less young people will become less vigorous. And the increasing population is challenging the tolerance of the planet people are living on for most of the resources people are consuming are non-renewable. So it is urgent for human beings to do the best to protect the environment and save energy. Otherwise, longevity will become meaningless if one cannot live with contentment Therefore, longer life expectancy of human beings creates burden to society and environment. However, the problems can be dealt with if people around the world work together. Conclusion Both the advantages and disadvantages of longevity have been discussed in detail above in this essay. Overall, the advantages of longer life span outweigh its disadvantages. It is obvious that though longer life expectancy puts burden on the society and environment, the problems caused can be tackled with the joint efforts made by people and it is urgent for human beings to do the best to save the environment and find out solution to the difficulties caused by the larger and larger population on the planet. On the other hand, the benefits both people and the world can get from the phenomenon of people living longer are irreplaceable and undeniable. It is the truth that longevity is a symbol of civilization and better life.
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