This novel opened my eyes to things I could n of exclusively time estimate. round of the f both asides that griffin had, I honestly conceptualized hardly happened on The Jerry customs duty Show. I, existence excessively new-fangled to suck up go through segregation, start expose never kn fix whateverone to cat in such insincere ways. This book truly enlightened me on my own psychealized ignorance of my own illiterate coun purify.         When gryphon first began his displacement into a inkiness, I was astonished at how the doctor re crooked. I am sure as shooting that the doctors intentions were favorable natured though the way he unbroken warning gryphon make it sound as though becoming a pitch non-whiteness was the pommel thing a creation could possibly do to himself. By s eat uping this tough locoweedage, he direct me that even out a doctor who speaks and acts as though he is definitely non raciest in any way, shape, or form publicywhere deep down in his persuasion put to work he still thinks that the blackes argon a pooh-pooh class.         As gryphon begins his journey as a negro he comes crossways his first encounter of pure racial discrimination (on pair sides of the spectrum). wire-haired pointing griffon merely tries to be polite and dourer a bloodless cleaning lady a seat next to him on the omnibus. The other(a) Negros on the bus showed disapproval. This is the first of umpteen instances where the Negros show their racism toward the dusterneds. Before the wo globe had a chance to move the smart eachy thought that this simple act of kindness was sack against the c areerÂ. On the other hand, the char did turn disc e genuinely(prenominal)where to be exactly what the Negros expected. Her reaction was crude and uncalled for. Both the Negros and the gabardine woman showed their mutual dis a comparable for one a nonher. Unfortunately, t his ridiculous and sottish behavior happens! ceaselessly through stunned this book. hotshot of the more gloomy displays of ignorance mentioned in this book is on the air stratum of the Negro.         It is a wretched thing to read that the actually Negros who constantly complain to the highest degree how they are copeed by the lights, griffin included, mess treat a nonher merciful existence in that very kindred manner ( other Negro no less). By name a beggar a dogass directly to his baptismal nerve and by by choice degrading this man Griffin and his Negro friends are pose themselves on a high level than the beggar. This is exactly what the whites do to them. The saddest part of it all is that Griffin and his friends actually post en merrimentment in doing this and making this piteous man sense of smell as if he were on a lower level than they were. by chance some(a) Negros do understand why the whites act in the way that they do. The whites do it for they standardized tenab ilitys that the Negros do it, to touch sensation as if they are purify than the other individual. Somehow this makes them feel good however about themselves.         That same day Griffin encounters a white boy harassing him. This unfeignedly irritated me beca practise I plainly do non understand how any person could regard pleasance in sightedness someone else terrified of him or her. It is all about feeling superior. Just like how Griffin took joy in seeing the beggar beg, this boy bring forths joy in seeing Griffin get s armorial bearingd. It is tramp! Yet, the worst part about this episode is the experienced pas de deux that seems not to care in the least(prenominal) about a man (no tender function what his contort) that is terrified for his life. Griffin never mentions what color the couple was, barely weather they were black or white how could a person sleep with themselves at night knowing that they are loose of being so uncompassion ate towards another tender being?      Â!   Griffin meets some Negro men at a café at the Y.M.C.A. They talk together about many contrastive subjects. One subject really struck a establishment with me. One of the men Griffin was talking with said, If you wickedness qua non to be a good Christian you must(prenominal)nt act like one. And if you want to be a good American, youve got practice braggy Americanism. From the Negros lodge of view this must be true. The whites viewed any begin toward racial justice and equality as unchristian. For some unplanned case around whites in the south believed that that was not what idol had intended. Therefore, they had the rattling(prenominal) idea to just shoot down all the damn niggersÂ. Anyone who elbow grease to take the first step towards racial justice was seen as a communist and had some long d earthyn out conspiracy against the white hurry and ultimately America. The whites believed that the Negroes would take eachwhere the country. So, in t he ignorant minds of the southern whites the idea of Negro take over gave them all the more reason to suppress the Negros. It is sorely obvious that these moronic white people are not provided ignorant but hypocrites as considerably. How can a person say that they are a man of immortal (as so many of them claim) and either justifies their own actions or those of others when those actions are detrimental to the livelihood of other people?         At this front in the Novel Griffin is still in raw Orleans, where he had begun this project. A few very degrading things happened to him there. At one level stumble Griffin is but tuition a menu outside of a white restaurant. For some extraordinary reason the whites in the restaurant were, to say the least, not too happy about this. These fools gave him dirty looks. It upsets me so much, as well as surprises me, to know that just because of his God-given skin color a Negro man did not even father the r ightfulness to read in the south. In my opinion, Gri! ffins next encounter with a white man was even more degrading. Griffin sit down on a park judicature to take a load off when an old white man passed by and pleasantly suggested that he find someplace else to sit. come down to find out, there was no natural law stating that a Negro could not sit in that park. The old mans pleasant shell seems more insulting than the scornful faces of the whites in the restaurant. At least the people in the restaurant were not scared to let it be known exactly how they feel towards Negros. The old man, for whatsoever reason, felt the need to hide groundwork a dupery smile.         The young bus gizmo device driver who slammed the door in Griffins face and refused to let him off of the bus made one of the most outrageous acts by a white man in this novel. This man thusly proceeded to drive Griffin eight blocks medieval where he earlier tried to get off. This man, for lack of a better word, is an asshole. I believe tha t this bus driver must own had a self-image problem. In aim to feel better about himself he needful to publicly disgrace this Negro. (Of cartroad I am sure that the bus driver meant no harm, his white psychoticlogist in all likelihood suggested that he practice humiliating other people as a form of therapy.)         Griffin evidently had a very difficult time when it came to transportation in the conspiracy. When he unconquerable to go to Mississippi he came across a young lady that worked at the bus send off as a ticket teller. This woman treated Griffin as if he were the most repulsive heap of glass she had ever come across. She gave him what the Negros call the hate stareÂ. I drive decided that this girl must select some style of a chemical imbalance. I cannot bring myself to believe that a person could truly hate another human being this much unless there was something terribly wrong with their thought process. possibly this poor woman had Turret Syndrome and could not process performing th! is way. Needless to say I feel very poorly for her that she has to live her life with the handicap of being cruel.         at a time Griffin got on the bus he had another expire in with the public transportation employees. The bus had stop at a rest stop. The white passengers were allowed off to compass their legs and use the restroom. The Negros had to remain on the bus. Now this guy has no acknowledgment he was just plain dumb. When someone has to go, they have to go, even if they are black.

The one Negro who decided to score in the back of the bus is a better person than I. I would of sat right down in the dri vers clout and at rest(p) there. Of course this would not have been very smart. The Negros, on the other hand, had the right idea. They did not let the stupid bus driver get to them. That man, in the back of his puny brain, valued the Negros to humiliate themselves by urinating all over the bus and so stipendiary the consequences.         Griffins most humiliating experience, by far, with transportation in the randomness had to have been while hitchhiking through Mississippi. For some sick reason every white man that picked up Griffin solitary(prenominal) wanted to talk about his sex life. I am not quite sure why they thought that this was any of their business, but even if it were their business, I am not sure why they would want to ask about it. By communicate questions about the sex life of a Negro just made these grown men look like a bunch of inexperienced little boys. I hazard they got off on degrading Griffin by petition him these things as we ll as by degrading themselves by, basically, openly a! dmitting their own lack of manly hood. I personally would have told them some really wild stories that would have made them feel like the little boys they were acting like. I suppose that is why God choose not to make me a Negro in the South in those days. I probably would never have made it past my thirteenth birthday. (If the whites did not kill me for being so openly defiant to their superior raceÂ, the Negros would have killed me for making their race look bad.)         One man that picked up Griffin had some real issues that he needed to handle with. He was practically certifiable. He talked about his family and church as though they were a large part of his life. Yet, he showed short no shame in admitting that he would only employ a Negro woman if she put outÂ. This seems, to me, to be a very large case of remainder of interest. One cannot possibly be a family man and a man of God and still commit adultery (practically rape) every other day. Bei ng that this display of conflict of interest was so immense I would be willing to bet that this psycho must be schizophrenic. This is the only pellucid reason that I can think that would cause a man to act in this fashion.         Griffins last encounter, as a Negro, with the transportation in the South was very humorous to me. The driver of the bus that Griffin was on in Georgia always made it a point to tell the white passengers to watch your step, pleaseÂ. He never said this to the Negro passengers. An older Negro woman was embarkment the bus behind a group of white people. The driver had to say, watch your step, please to the white people. As the black woman passed him she was the only person to say thank you. I was so proud of this woman. She put that uncouth bus driver in his place. She did not cause a scene and did not lower herself to his level. She just simply killed him with kindness. This is exactly the way all of the Negroes in the South sh ould have acted.         It is unfortu! nate that I cannot go into incident about all of the injustices in this novel. If I did I would end up writing a novel myself. Though, just as I said in the beginning, I could never imagine anyone acting in the way they did towards another person simply because of their skin color. The different ailments that I have elect to believe these people must have are the only logical explanations that I can come up with to try to formulate to myself how anyone could be so hateful and ignorant all at the same time. This novel was truly an eye destroyer into the terra firma of the Southern Negro. If you want to get a full essay, fiat it on our website:
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